Home Mental Health Journey to Wellness Workshops Empowers Individuals to Take Control of Their Mental Health | Holistic Health & Wellness Guide

Journey to Wellness Workshops Empowers Individuals to Take Control of Their Mental Health | Holistic Health & Wellness Guide

by Universalwellnesssystems

Posted on: November 21, 2022
| | 11:36 am

These workshops are designed to be educational and empowering, presenting a variety of psychology-based topics where community leaders and experts provide practical resources and tools.

Now, more than ever before, building a holistic sense of wellness and wellbeing is a major focus of our community. I think

To provide readers with resources to improve their overall well-being in emotional, professional, physical, social, intellectual and spiritual dimensions, Noozhawk has partnered with local wellness companies and practitioners. conducted an interview with

In this interview noose hawk I spoke with the owner of Gina Bell Journey to Wellness Workshoplearn more about her program.

Journey to wellness workshop

question: What is your business or practice name?

answer: Journey to wellness workshop

Q: Can you describe the services or products your business or practice offers?

A: Our workshops are designed to be educational and empowering, presenting a variety of psychology-based topics where community leaders and experts provide practical resources and tools.

Click to enlarge

Participant on a trip to a wellness workshop in Team Huddle. (Journey to wellness workshop)

Q: How does your business or practice relate to health and wellness?

A: Many of us are looking for answers, but feel lonely and don’t know where to turn for help. Our Mental Wellness Workshops provide a comprehensive and safe place to come together, learn from mental wellness experts, and gain a clearer understanding of how to help yourself and others on your life journey. To do.

Q: What kind of training, education or certification do you have?

A: MSc in Clinical Psychology

Q: How does your business or practice benefit patrons?

A: Each of our workshops is committed to empowering you and continuing to build inclusive and safe communities. We actively support our mission to empower people. We believe that we are all interconnected and that we can grow together on our journey to health.

Q: What makes your business or practice unique?

A: Journey To Wellness Workshops bring together people with similar concerns. We are friendly and down-to-earth with reliability and warmth. It is very important to us to connect our clients with others within the community who may be able to help them.

Q: How do you stay connected with your community and patrons?

A: Collaborate on projects with others in the community. Make it available on social media, phone and email.

Q: Are your services covered by insurance?

A: No

Q: If I do not accept insurance, do you have payment plans or financing options?

A: No

Q: What area of ​​wellness do you specialize in? (i.e. Emotional, Professional, Physical, Social, Intellectual, Spiritual)

A: mental wellness

Q: What made you want to become a holistic health and wellness practitioner?

A: I grew up in Santa Barbara and want to give back.

Q: How would you describe your services to individuals who have never tried a holistic approach to wellness?

A: We can say that we provide services to help people feel in control of their mental health. We work with others in our community to help people find their journey for their mind, body and soul.

Q: What are the benefits of the treatments/products you offer and are there any risks that patients should be aware of associated with these treatments or products?

A: The benefit of our workshops is that people are more informed, feel supported and know they are not alone.

Q: What is your healing philosophy?

A: Everyone has the right to a healthy mind, body and soul.

Q: Do you have testimonials from other patients that you can share with our readers?

A: This workshop was personal, spaced sensibly and was the perfect time for me to reflect! Would love to attend again soon 🙂

The workshop far exceeded my expectations! It was empowering and I learned positive coping skills.

This group has allowed me to make meaningful connections with people from different backgrounds. And I am eager to attend future workshops!

Excellent instruction and valuable information shared in a caring and supportive environment. I have attended several offerings and highly recommend them!

Q: If you weren’t the right fit for a new client, would you recommend it to others in the industry?

A: absolutely. We know our boundaries very well.

Q: What are your normal business hours? Are you available for clients on weekends? Do you offer telemedicine?

A: Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to say to our readers?

A: you are not alone.

Click here for more information About the Journey to Wellness Workshop!

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