Home Fitness Joey Swoll calls out bodybuilder who was kicked out of gym for being shirtless

Joey Swoll calls out bodybuilder who was kicked out of gym for being shirtless

by Universalwellnesssystems

issued: 2023-09-20T15:56:41

Has been updated: 2023-09-20T15:56:55

Joey Swoll has lashed out at gym patrons who were angry after being told to leave the gym by their manager and not being allowed to work out in the gym without a shirt on.

On September 19th, a bodybuilder and gym goer. Christian Hposted video He told Instagram about the time he was training at the gym when the gym’s general manager came up to him and asked him to put on his shirt.

Christian replies, “You can’t tell me what to do,” before continuing with his training.

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The general manager then told Christian to pack up his things and leave the gym, and he escorted him out of the gym.

Christian wrote in the comments of the video: “The general manager kicked me out of Gold’s Gym because I wasn’t wearing a shirt. Funny thing is, the general manager is the one in charge of hiring fat trainers to make people fit, and then he told me I was on his team. That’s body shaming!! Sorry brother, I’m not body shaming anyone, I’m telling the truth.

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“If someone is fat, it’s fat, if someone is thin, it’s thin, if someone is healthy, it’s healthy. People these days are so soft, they can’t accept the truth, I speaks the truth, and if someone doesn’t like being called fat, lose weight, if you’re skinny and don’t like being fat, no one calls you that anymore. No. I’ve been fat and thin, so I train and tone my body to my standards.”

Joey Swoll slams lack of respect for bodybuilders

Joey Swoll, who has made a name for himself as the Internet’s resident gym buddy and frequently makes videos about gym toxicity, said: his own vidEo About Christians, he said: You tell him, “I can’t tell you what to do.”

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“Yes, he can. He’s the general manager and it’s literally his job to enforce the rules. There are currently some private or serious bodybuilding gyms that allow you to take your shirt off, but… It’s not like that here, so don’t take your shirt off.”

He continued: “If someone tells you to put your shirt back on, put your shirt back on. You are not special. Everyone has to follow the same rules. And when someone tells you this, put your shirt back on. You defended yourself by saying, “You’re in America, so you should be able to take your shirt off at the gym,” which shocked me.

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“Or you say, ‘I’m in better shape than the trainers who work there, so I should be able to take my shirt off.’ Really?”

Joey ended the video with: “Shout out to this manager for excluding you from the gym and canceling your membership. That was absolutely the right thing to do. You need to learn to respect the rules and respect your staff. You need to do better. . It’s none of your business.”

This isn’t the only time Joey has attacked gym patrons. In February, a bodybuilder called out a female gym-goer and made fun of an older man for simply working out at the gym. Joey’s video prompted the woman to permanently delete her social media accounts.

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