Joe Rogan slammed the ‘fat professor’ protect an unhealthy lifestyle on Saturday’s episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.”
“F— fat professor, f— off, you guys are unhealthy, that’s never a good thing,” Logan said.
Rogan’s guest was fitness influencer Derek from the “More Plates, More Dates” YouTube channel that the duo starred in. Browse documents from the University of British Columbia, CanadaThe document advocated removing nutritional information from menus. Putting the calorie count next to the item can be a “trigger” for some students.
“It can be a trigger for those with eating disorders and eating disorders,” read the document to students. , when presented with calorie information, it can trigger and affect your ability to repair your relationship with food. We can focus more on creating
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Podcast giant Joe Rogan has arguably become world famous for his honest conversations with his guests on a variety of topics.
(Photo: Vivian Zink/Syfy/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images)
Derek explains how the university “obviously removed all nutritional information from the foods students were eating on their meal plans because they were ‘too exciting’ to display calories.” Did.
He continued, “It presents this insane scenario where even people who want to maintain a healthy weight can’t even self-regulate and even understand what you’re doing. I am eating.”
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Logan remembered viral video Show a female professor and say, “I’m talking about [how] Avoiding certain foods is simply ‘fatphobia’ and ‘not science-based’.

Obese man measuring his belly.
(Credit: iStock)
“How are you talking about this publicly?” Logan wondered.
Rogan criticized the idea that people were uneasy about the “real data” presented about the foods they were choosing to eat, saying, “Someone tells us what to do and what not to do.” I don’t mean you should, but you should know.”
The host Demonization of basic information“They’re raising probably the most resilient people humans have ever known, where all microaggressions, everything that could trigger you are stripped away and you’re just Raw and vulnerable.”

Spotify is reportedly paying podcasting giant Joe Rogan “at least” $200 million.
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images | Reuters/Lucas Jackson/File Photo/File Photo)
“We protect you in this university system, we spew you out into the world, where you infect corporations with this ideology – and that’s what we’re going through.
“It’s wild that the shift to a comfortable mindset has become so common,” Derek replied. Just like the encouragement to be part of the lifestyle and sedentary.