Home Fitness January Jones Has Seriously Toned Abs In A New Bikini IG Photo

January Jones Has Seriously Toned Abs In A New Bikini IG Photo

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • January Jones is showing off her powerful abs again in a new Instagram photo.
  • The 44-year-old actress wore a pale pink bikini and everything was simply a *chef’s kiss*.
  • Although she’s not a huge gym fan, she says she really enjoys barre, Pilates, and yoga.

January Jones With the solid Betty Draper vintage style continuing, people had a few thoughts when she decided to make her look a little more Americana. back to the fashion show she’s been on, and she’s a little salty about it.

“⚠️TOXIC FEMININITY⚠️ Apparently people didn’t appreciate my attempted Nascar-esque rebranding. I captioned my new post on Instagram of her own. In the photo, the 44-year-old actress wears a gorgeous baby pink high-waisted bikini of hers with perfectly matching earrings, necklace, sunglasses and lipstick (impressive!). She has her flat abs, toned arms and beaming smile adorning her all over.

People were all about it in the comments. One wrote, “What a sight. 😍,” while others simply agreed, “😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.”

Ichimi: January referring to This photo For the past few weeks, she’s posed at Cutoff while wearing a baseball cap and clutching a beer.

Of course, January looks toned no matter what.

I used to say in January shape She doesn’t really like going to the gym. “My father was a trainer, so in my 20s and 30s, I didn’t exercise because he was always forcing my sisters, my mother, and me to exercise. , I won’t do it,” she shared. But she added that she is still active. “When I was a kid, my two sisters were runners, I played tennis, and we all swam. But we didn’t exercise regularly.”

Despite hating the gym, January eventually realized that he was really caught, pilates classespecially rugby pilates.

“I’ve been going two to four times a week for the past year, and I’ve gained weight because I’ve built muscle,” she says of her Pilates classes. “I went up one size in clothes, but I feel like I look better naked.”

By the way, January said that group lessons were very motivating. “If I have a strong person next to me, I definitely want to step up my game,” she said.

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In January, we will also incorporate yoga. This exercise is great for recovery stretching and strength conditioning.check this out impressive handstand she documented:

Also, how about January semi pro hula hooperThis requires a lot of ab strength.

Get it, girl!

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