Home Fitness it’s nothing to do with lactic acid

it’s nothing to do with lactic acid

by Universalwellnesssystems

As many of us hit the gym or go for a run to recover from a boring season, we may notice some extra muscle soreness.

This is especially true if you have had some time between workouts.

A common misconception is that such pain is due to lactic acid buildup within the muscles.

However, research shows that lactic acid has has nothing to do with it. The truth is more interesting, but also a little more complicated.

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It's not lactic acid

We've known about the effects of lactic acid for decades. nothing matters Muscle pain after exercise.

In fact, one of us (Robert Andrew Robbergs), for a long time claimed, cells produce lactic acid rather than lactic acid. In fact, this process be against It does not cause acid build-up in the muscles or bloodstream.

Unfortunately, due to historical inertia, people still use the term “lactic acid” in reference to exercise.

lactate does not cause major problems For the muscles you use when exercising.you probably are Deteriorate Do not use it, as it has other benefits for muscle work.

Lactic acid is not the reason why your muscles are sore a few days after gaining weight or taking a long vacation to exercise.

So if it's not lactic acid or lactate, what is the cause of that muscle pain?

Regular training gradually builds the muscle adaptations necessary to prevent delayed muscle soreness.
shutter stock

Muscle pain during and after exercise

When you exercise, many chemical reactions occur in your muscle cells. All these chemical reactions result in the accumulation of products and by-products, which allow water to enter the cells.

This increases pressure within and between muscle cells.

This pressure, combined with the movement of molecules from muscle cells, stimulates nerve endings, Discomfort Exercising.

There are many causes of pain and discomfort that you may feel hours or days after an unfamiliar type or amount of exercise.

Exercising beyond your normal level or routine can cause microscopic damage to your muscles and tendon connections.

Such damage causes the muscles to release ions and other molecules, causing local swelling and irritation of nerve endings.

This is sometimes known as “.”delayed onset muscle soreness” or DOMS.

Injury occurs during exercise, but the reaction to the injury accumulates over the next 1-2 days (longer if the injury is severe). This can cause pain and make it difficult to move normally.

A woman doing lunges at the gym.
When you feel less tired from exercising, you will enjoy exercising more.
shutter stock


The research is clear.Discomfort from delayed onset muscle soreness has nothing to do with lactate or lactic acid.

However, the good news is that your muscles quickly adapt to activities that can initially cause delayed onset muscle soreness.

Therefore, if you don't wait too long (more than about two weeks) to be active again, the next time you do the same activity will be much less damaging and uncomfortable.

If you have an exercise goal (like going on a particular hike or completing a half marathon), make sure it's realistic and achievable over a few months of training.

Such training gradually builds the muscle adaptations necessary to prevent delayed muscle soreness. Also, when the damage caused by exercise is reduced, it becomes more enjoyable and easier to stick to routines and habits.

Finally, remove “lactic acid” from your exercise vocabulary. The idea about its role in muscle pain is a superstition that has been widespread for too long.

Read more: Climb the stairs, go shopping, chase the kids.Incidental vigorous activity linked to lower cancer risk

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