Home Health Care Italy’s first female leader and her very male cabinet – POLITICO

Italy’s first female leader and her very male cabinet – POLITICO

by Universalwellnesssystems

ROME — Giorgia Meloni broke Italy’s highest glass ceiling when she took office as Italy’s first female prime minister on Saturday, but she doesn’t share her power with many other women.

Meloni’s cabinet list includes only 6 out of 24, or 25%, women. His predecessor Mario in his Draghi cabinet was 30% women, and 50% in Matteo Renzi’s government in 2014.

Women in Meloni’s cabinet hold lower-level positions, such as tourism and the disabled. Beyond Meloni himself, all major government offices – foreign affairs, economics and internal affairs – were passed to men, as were the judicial, medical and infrastructure portfolios. Women were appointed labor and college briefs.

the movement is the fuel concern Italian women would not benefit from Meloni’s government.

Women’s groups in Italy fear their rights will be restricted under Meloni’s government. Thousands of people marched in Rome and Milan in support of access to abortion after the election, under Meloni who wants to increase Italy’s low birth rate and provide women with an alternative to abortion. , some fear that access to abortion will be undermined.

Among Meloni’s most controversial appointments is the ultra-conservative Catholic Eugenia Maria Roccella as family minister. Meloni also renamed the ministry to Her Family, Fertility and Equal Opportunity.

Senator Sandra Zampa, a left-wing Democrat, told POLITICO: I never heard Meloni talk about women’s rights. She’s the daughter of a political culture and ideology that has a negative record when it comes to equal opportunities and women’s rights, and she’s never made it a secret. ”

Zampa criticized Rossella’s nomination: “He is an ultra-conservative Catholic and abortion is not a right”. ing”.

“This government may push back women’s rights, but I’m sure Italian women won’t allow it,” Zampa said.

Meloni and Roccella’s political party, the Brothers of Italy, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Meloni, 45, recites the ceremonial oath of office before the Italian president at the Quirinal presidential palace on Saturday morning, vowing to remain loyal to Italy’s post-war republic and to act “in the exclusive interest of the state.” swore to

Meloni’s 24 ministers followed. Meloni kept his nine ministries for his own political parties and gave his five ministries each to the parties of his partners Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi. The rest are technocrats.

The key post of Minister of Economy and Finance goes to Giancarlo Giorgetti, who served as Minister of Economic Development under Draghi.

After Berlusconi was documented earlier this week declaring friendly relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, left-wing politicians said it was inappropriate for Berlusconi’s party to nominate a foreign ministry candidate. But in the end, Berlusconi’s deputy prime minister, Antonio Tagjani, was confirmed as foreign minister and deputy prime minister. Under Tajani, former president of the European Parliament, Italy’s stance on Europe is considered to be in safe hands.

Berlusconi also wanted his party to control the Ministry of Justice in order to protect his business and bring about reforms. However, with Berlusoni now on trial for perjury and witness corruption, Meloni appointed prosecutor Carlo Nordio instead.

Salvini has made it clear that he wants to return to the Ministry of Interior, which he led from 2018-2019. That way, he could have fought the migrants and collected votes, but Mr. Salvini is on trial for refusing to let migrants board his NGO’s rescue boat. To disembark in ministerial time, Meloni appointed him minister of infrastructure instead. Matteo Piantedosi, a civil servant who had worked under Salvini, was appointed Minister of the Interior.

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