Home Products Is walking enough? Science finds how to undo health risks of sitting all day

Is walking enough? Science finds how to undo health risks of sitting all day

by Universalwellnesssystems

A short walk every 30 minutes can reverse the health hazards of long periods of sitting. new research find.

evidence It suggests that sitting for long periods of time, an unavoidable fact of life for many workers, is detrimental to health, even for those who exercise regularly.

Volunteers who got up and walked for five minutes every 30 minutes had lower blood sugar and blood pressure than those who sat continuously, according to a small study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. , the researchers also found that one minute of walking every hour had an effect on blood pressure, but not blood sugar.

“If you have a job that requires you to sit most of the day, or if you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, this will improve your health and reduce the health hazards of sitting. It’s one strategy to offset,” said Keith Diaz, lead author of the study, associate professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University Bagueros College of Physicians and Surgeons.

it is not clear why sitting for long periods of time without interruption is bad for your health, but Diaz thinks at least part of that is because you’re not using your leg muscles while sitting.

“Muscle acts as an important regulator of blood sugar levels,” he said. “Things just don’t work right without them.”

When it comes to blood pressure, Diaz said physical activity improves circulation. “When you sit, blood pools in your legs,” he added. “Regularly activating the leg muscles restores regular blood flow.”

“Activity Snack” every 30 minutes

To find out how best to combat the negative effects of sitting, Diaz and his team tested four different “activity snacks” with 11 volunteers. After sitting for 30 minutes and 5 minutes after sitting for 60 minutes. The effects of each of these strategies were compared to sitting without breaks.

Each of the 11 adult volunteers came to the researcher’s lab, sat in an ergonomic chair for 8 hours, and got up only for bathroom breaks and directed activities. All 11 performed each strategy, one at a time, and stayed up for eight hours only for bathroom breaks.

Blood pressure and blood glucose levels were measured at each stage of the study. The most effective strategy was for him to walk for 5 minutes for every 30 minutes he sat. This strategy also had a dramatic effect on how the volunteers’ bodies responded to the large meal, resulting in a 58% reduction. blood pressure spike Compared to sitting all day.

All walking strategies significantly reduced blood pressure by 4-5 points., Any type of activity snack, except walking for 1 minute per hour, compared to sitting for the full 8 hours also led to a significant reduction in fatigue and improved mood.

The study proves that walking works, Diaz said, but he suspects some managers frown on employees walking away from their desks. Be suspicious of.

“The next big and important step for us is to change the culture in the workplace,” he said.

How to take a walk break during work

“Instead of sending an email, I might go to my colleague’s desk,” he suggested. “If you’re on the phone, you might be walking. You can bring a small bottle of water to work, so you’ll have to get up and refill it multiple times.”

Ron Blankstein, M.D., a preventive cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical, said the strategies proposed in the new study don’t replace regular exercise, but they do. It may help reduce the harm caused by sitting for hours. school.

“We know that sitting does a lot of harm,” he said.

Are Standing Desks Helpful?

Standing desks are a hot topic, but Diaz doesn’t recommend them.

“The science around standing desks is still largely mixed,” he added. “And there is some evidence that they can be potentially harmful to blood vessels in the back and legs.

“Whether you’re standing or sitting, you don’t want to be in the same position all day,” says Blankstein.

The results of the new study make sense, said Dr. Doris Chan, general cardiologist at NYU Langone Health.

“I’m really happy this came out,” she said. “It could be the start of something revolutionary. We need large-scale research by more people. But this is like a seed that has been sown. It will be a catalyst for all kinds of other research.” I will open the door.”

Getting up and walking every 30 minutes may have other benefits, such as loosening stiff joints after sitting for long periods of time.

“Keep in mind that employers should read this study and allow employees to take breaks to stretch or move,” she said. There is even.”

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