Home Nutrition Is The Slow-Carb Diet right for you? A dietitian breaks it down

Is The Slow-Carb Diet right for you? A dietitian breaks it down

by Universalwellnesssystems

The slow-carb diet was first introduced in 2010 by Tim Ferriss in his book, “The 4-Hour Body.”

Ferris They claim that you can lose 10-20 pounds in the first month of a slow-carb diet. Sounds great, but is it true? Low-Carb Diet• Let’s get to the bottom of this issue.

What is a Slow Carb Diet?

The slow-carb diet promotes the idea that by favoring certain slow-digesting carbohydrates and avoiding certain starchy carbohydrates, you can lose weight more quickly and improve your energy and performance. proteinlegumes (such as lentils), and vegetables (including fermented vegetables such as kimchi).

This diet emphasizes that highly processed carbohydrates are quickly digested and Blood sugar spikes It leaves you feeling hungry. On the other hand, it is highly nutritious. Slow-carb, high in fiber It breaks down slowly, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and making you feel more satisfied after a meal.

The diet also encourages the idea of ​​food simplicity. One of Ferriss’s key concepts is the Minimum Effective Dose (MED) principle, which means getting the results you want with the least amount of effort. This means eating the same meal several times over.

Slow Carb Diet Rules

The slow carb diet is structured around five main rules:

  • Avoid “white” carbs, or carbs that can turn white. This includes white bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, pasta, tortillas, and breaded and fried foods, and excludes grains like brown rice (which becomes white rice after processing) and whole wheat (which goes through a manufacturing plant to become white bread). caveat: At least 20 minutes Resistance trainingthese foods can be eaten within 90 minutes.

  • Eating the same meal repeatedly. Emphasizing simplicity by eating from a limited variety of meals, especially at breakfast and lunch. As Ferriss points out, many of us practice this, but in this case, dietary variety is discouraged in favor of simplicity and staying within the bounds of permitted foods. It’s important to remember that eating a wide variety of plant foods promotes gut health and ensures you get all the nutrients you need.

  • Don’t take in calories. In addition to avoiding sugary drinks, the slow-carb diet also 100% fruit juice Ferris recommends drinking water, unsweetened tea, or coffee If necessary, have one or two glasses of dry red wine overnight.

  • Don’t eat fruit. Fruit is ruled out because Ferriss says it contains too much fructose, a natural sugar, which he claims leads to excess body fat. Not supported by researchand Fruits are a major source of dietary fiber It also contains antioxidants.

  • Take one day off a week to eat what you wantIn fact, Ferris told you “Get angry” Eating on this day helps curb your appetite and boost your metabolism, says Ferris. And when he says, “eat like crazy,” he means it. Ferris says he feels a bit sick on his off days, so he doesn’t want to touch the foods he overindulged in until his next cheat day. As a nutritionist, I see this rule as a clear red flag. Research ShowCheat meals can lead to eating disorders.

Foods to eat

The slow-carb diet emphasizes whole foods that are high in protein and fiber. These foods include:

  • protein: Meats such as chicken, turkey, beef (preferably grass-fed), lamb, pork, fish, and eggs.

  • beans: Lentils, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas.

  • vegetables: Spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, green beans, other non-starchy vegetables, and peas. Fermented vegetables such as kimchi and sauerkraut are also allowed.

  • fat: Healthy fats are Olive oilAvocados, nuts and ghee are also allowed.

Foods to avoid

To adhere to a slow-carb diet, avoid the following foods:

  • Grains and starchy carbohydratesProcessed foods such as bread, pasta, rice, cereal, and tortillas Whole grainsYou should also avoid potatoes and starchy vegetables, with the exception of eating starchy carbs within 90 minutes of strength training.

  • fruitThis is because it contains natural sugars.

  • Drinks that contain caloriesSugared sodas, fruit juices, milk, etc.

  • Ultra-Processed Foods and Added sugarsThe slow-carb diet emphasizes whole foods, so preservatives and refined flours are prohibited.


A slow-carb diet emphasizes nutrient-dense foods, such as: Plant Protein It’s made from black beans, lentils, other legumes, and non-starchy vegetables, all of which are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that will help protect your health.

While the weight loss benefits of the slow carb diet may be overstated, if you are used to eating highly processed foods and you eliminate those foods on a slow carb diet and start eating more natural, fiber-rich foods, it is entirely possible that you will lose weight.

Foods rich in protein and fiber keep you fuller for longer, helping you eat within your body’s needs and aiding in weight management. Feeling physically satisfied with your food reduces the desire to snack between meals, helping you maintain calorie balance or achieve a calorie deficit needed for weight loss.

This emphasis on eating the same meals repeatedly has both benefits and drawbacks. We make hundreds of food decisions every day, which can lead to decision fatigue, and the greater the burden, the harder it is to make healthy decisions about what to eat. The Slow Carb Diet’s simplified meal planning philosophy can reduce this burden so you’re less likely to turn to pizza, fast food, or other less-than-healthy options when deciding what to eat feels like a daunting task.


The slow-carb diet does have its downsides. First, it is very restrictive, excluding many nutritious foods, such as fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are rich in nutrients, such as dietary fiber, and avoiding them can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Furthermore, there is a wealth of evidence to suggest that a balanced eating pattern that includes healthy amounts of these foods leads to a healthier weight.

Only being able to eat certain foods can make the diet feel monotonous and difficult to stick to in the long term. Even if you can eat them once a week, you may still have strong cravings for the banned foods. This makes it hard to stick to the plan and makes results less likely to last.

In my opinion as a nutritionist, the biggest problem is the weekly cheat day. study It has been suggested that one cheat meal a week can lead to eating disorders. This not only damages mental health, but also promotes an “all or nothing” mindset towards food. Feeling bloated And was drained.

Learning how to eat a piece of birthday cake when there’s something to celebrate, or a handful of fries when you’re out to dinner with friends, is much better than putting off eating these foods until your weekly cheat day.

Should I try a slow-carb diet?

While slow carb diets are effective for weight loss and blood sugar control, they limit healthy, nutritious food groups. The lack of important nutrients and restrictive dietary guidelines can have a negative impact on physical and mental health.

A balanced, nutritious, sustainable diet that teaches you how to safely incorporate less-than-healthy foods is more likely to lead to long-term success than a diet with all its wacky rules.

It’s also important to remember that healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes — the goal shouldn’t be to be your skinniest self, but to maintain the healthiest weight possible while still having a positive relationship with food and enjoying all the pleasures food brings, including socializing with friends and loved ones.

If your eating patterns are making you obsess or stress about foods you can’t eat, it’s a sign that the plan isn’t right for you.

Rather than following a one-size-fits-all plan, work with a registered dietitian who can help you develop healthy, actionable eating habits that are tailored to your goals.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com

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