Home Nutrition Is pickle juice good for athletic recovery? Dietitian explains probiotic and other possible benefits

Is pickle juice good for athletic recovery? Dietitian explains probiotic and other possible benefits

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Bright yellow and green liquids may be familiar when it comes to Gatorade and other electrolyte workout beverages, but there’s another contender with potential health and hydration benefits. It’s pickle juice.

Not all cucumbers are created (or rather, pickled) the same way, so Good Morning America hired a registered dietitian Matthew BlackHe presented his pickle research at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center to uncover what people need to know about the ingredients, probiotic properties and myths of this topical beverage.

“With increasing public interest in pickle juice consumption, there are new products on the market that add ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and electrolytes to pickle juice,” Black told GMA.

Ingredients for pickle juice, instructions

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An undated stock photo shows pickle juice in a glass next to a jar of pickles.

“It really depends on the type of pickle juice,” Black said, quick to say what it does to your body.

“Some pickle juice products are made primarily by stuffing cucumbers in a mixture of vinegar and salt, but this does not involve a fermentation process and therefore does not contain probiotics.” he explained. “A natural way to get probiotics in pickle juice is to put cucumbers in a salt water (also called brine) solution and let them sit until bacteria grow and consume most of the carbs in the cucumbers.” . ”

This bacterium converts carbohydrates into various by-products such as carbon dioxide and acids that produce a sour, vinegar-like flavor that not only helps preserve cucumbers but also adds flavor.

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Pickle juice and athletic performance recovery

“These days, many athletes employ strategies that have little or no scientific backing to improve their athletic performance,” says Black. “Studies show that athletes consume varying amounts of pickle juice before and after training. [saw] It has little effect on metrics such as performance, core body temperature and hydration. ”

However, several studies reviewed by Black show that pickle juice helps reduce and recover from muscle spasms in mildly dehydrated subjects.

“Interestingly, the mechanism of action behind this was not due to pickle juice replenishing fluids and electrolytes, as previously thought,” he said. “Rather, the researchers suspect that pickle juice consumption may play some role in suppressing alpha motor neuron firing from the spasmed muscles.”

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“Muscle cramps can be caused by a variety of factors, including electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, and muscle fatigue,” he continues, noting that drinks containing sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium can “strengthen muscles.” It may help reduce spasms,” he added.

“Athletes need to be properly hydrated before, during and after training to prevent cramps,” Black reiterated.

Effects of pickle juice on the body

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An undated stock photo shows pickle juice in a glass next to two pickles.

“If you’re consuming pickle juice, [naturally] “Fermented pickles may have some benefit from the probiotics they contain,” Black said, warning that “most commercial pickles on the shelf are not fermented.”

To find a fermented pickle product, Black said, “it could be clearly labeled as such and also use the term ‘probiotics’ on the packaging.”

“They may also list the number of CFUs, [or colony forming units]The label indicates the number of viable bacteria present. In theory, the higher the CFU, the greater the benefits for gut health. ”

Probiotics are a natural source of healthy bacteria that promote gut health. Black said this is why “some probiotics may help reduce the inflammatory process” and may be beneficial for athletes trying to prevent muscle spasms.

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The sodium and potassium in pickle juice also serve as a hydration method to replenish lost electrolyte stores in case of a hangover. wrote last year For OSU Wexner Medical Center.

In addition, some studies said that pickle juice containing vinegar may improve the body’s response to insulin, which controls blood sugar levels. However, he clarified, “There are no clear guidelines on how much pickle juice should be consumed or whether it should be taken before or after meals.”

How to make a natural electrolyte drink at home

“There are many different recipes online for making homemade sports electrolyte drink concoctions,” Black said. “A variety of 100% fruit and vegetable juices such as orange, pineapple, and tomato can be combined with additional ingredients such as lemon, lime juice, coconut water, and a little honey or syrup if desired. Salt. of.”

Black said that if tomato juice is used as a base, it “already has a lot of sodium,” so “you may not need to add salt.”

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