Home Nutrition Is Palm Oil Really Bad for You? Here’s What Dietitians Say

Is Palm Oil Really Bad for You? Here’s What Dietitians Say

by Universalwellnesssystems

Palm oil can be found almost everywhere. Unless you strictly avoid it, you’ve likely eaten something containing palm oil or used a product containing palm oil. In this article, you will learn what palm oil is, its effects on human health, its environmental impact, and considerations when incorporating palm oil into your diet.

What is palm oil?

As the name suggests, palm oil is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm tree. It is native to West and Central Africa, and the exact species grown there are: Elais Guinenshi And it’s been going on for over 7000 years.. Other oil palm species are grown around the world, primarily in Southeast Asia. Palm oil is sold in most international markets in jars and bottles, usually the red variety.

The oil from the palm plant has a deep red-orange color and a unique taste and aroma. This minimally processed product may be labeled as unrefined palm oil or red palm oil. It can be further processed into a colorless and odorless product and labeled as refined palm oil. Refined palm oil has a longer shelf life and higher smoke point than unrefined palm oil, so it can be used in a variety of ways.


Palm oil is primarily used for culinary purposes. In the African Heritage Diet, unrefined palm oil is used in many kitchens and is commonly used as a cooking oil. Refined palm oil is widely used in most parts of the world, including the United States, primarily due to its properties as a semisolid fat at room temperature and an oil with a high smoke point. These properties make it ideal for producing processed, shelf-stable foods such as:

  • cookies and baked goods
  • nut butter
  • chocolate
  • margarine and shortening
  • serial
  • Fried food

Other uses of palm oil include:

  • soap
  • tooth paste
  • Lipstick, makeup and other cosmetics
  • animal feed
  • biodiesel

Palm oil nutrition facts table

Oils, including palm oil, are 100% fat and have about 120 calories in one tablespoon. Half of its fatty acids are saturated, and the other half are a combination of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Because it contains saturated fat, palm oil is semisolid at room temperature.

Nutritionally, palm oil is rich in carotenoids. Carotenoids are a family of powerful antioxidants that give palm oil its distinctive red-orange color. It is also a good source of vitamin E, another compound with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals, compounds that can damage DNA and cells and cause chronic diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

One tablespoon of unrefined red palm oil provides the following benefits:

  • calorie: 130
  • Total carbohydrates: 0g
  • Dietary fiber: 0g
  • Total carbohydrates: 0g
  • protein: 0g
  • Total fat: 14g
  • Saturated fat: 6g
  • Monounsaturated fats: 6g
  • Polyunsaturated fats: 1.5g

potential benefits

In general, dietary fat is essential for the delivery of fat-soluble vitamins and micronutrients throughout the body, and contributes to the formation of active compounds such as hormones (such as testosterone and estrogen). Other benefits include:

Good source of vitamin A

Beta-carotene, found in unrefined (red) palm oil, is converted to vitamin A in the body and has several antioxidant properties. This is especially important for people on diets low in vitamin A, says Cordialys Musola-Casago, RD, MA, a registered dietitian at Maitano Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine. “Many African traditional diets lack a variety of foods rich in vitamin A, so palm oil is an important source, which helps prevent blindness, strengthen the immune system, and… “It may reduce the risk of pregnancy-related complications,” Msora-Kasago says.

Cardioprotective and neuroprotective effects

Palm oil contains tocotrienols (T3), a form of vitamin E that is a very powerful antioxidant. Research shows that T3 has protective effects on most parts of the body, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, stomach, and bones. T3 may also help lower LDL cholesterol (known as “bad” levels) by up to 38%. “Palm oil, especially the unrefined red variety, is a good source of vitamin E,” he says. Gregory LaFortune, MS, RDN, LD, a registered dietitian at Optimal Plan Nutrition. “Despite the common negative associations, consuming unrefined palm oil is important because these powerful compounds may lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.” It can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet.”

Possible drawbacks

Despite its potential benefits, palm oil may have some drawbacks due to its saturated fat content. Excessive intake of saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) because it raises LDL cholesterol and lowers HDL cholesterol (known as the “good” one).

However, a literature review on palm oil and health found no solid evidence linking palm oil use to cardiovascular disease. In fact, one of the studies examined found that in addition to lack of physical activity and other lifestyle factors, overconsumption of other dietary sources of saturated fat, such as red meat and dairy products, was associated with greater suggesting that it plays a larger role in contributing to CVD.

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting saturated fat intake to 10% of total daily calories. So if you eat 2,000 calories, you’re eating 200 calories (or 22 grams) of saturated fat per day.

This means palm oil can be safely consumed as part of a balanced diet. Just because palm oil contains saturated fat doesn’t mean it should be avoided completely. “No food is a combination of single ingredients,” Musola-Casago says.

Environmental impact of palm oil production

Palm oil is frequently highlighted not only for its nutritional value but also for its environmental impact. In Indonesia and Malaysia, where almost 90% of the palm oil used commercially is harvested, unsustainable palm oil production is destroying forests, habitats and wildlife. These impacts are certainly detrimental to the planet, but the destruction of these ecosystems also damages the people who rely on them as a source of traditional foods, medicinal plants, and even drinking water. .

However, keep in mind that not all palm oil plantations are owned and operated by large corporations. Many small-scale farmers and producers grow oil palm in a way that is sustainable, has minimal impact on the environment, and adheres to fair labor practices. Products certified by organizations such as Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Helping consumers make the best possible choices.


Palm oil is used for a variety of purposes around the world, both edible and non-edible. Despite concerns about its saturated fat content, palm oil contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that support human health, especially as part of traditional African heritage diets. It is effective if you enjoy it as a.

Be aware of where the oil you consume comes from and how it is grown, and try to use sustainably sourced palm oil when possible. Musora Kasago reminds us that not all palm oil is equal and to choose minimally processed, unrefined palm oil whenever possible. “The palm oil used in contomille stew, a stew of leafy vegetables, lean protein, tomatoes, and flavorings, is different from the palm oil used in foods like cookies and cakes.”

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