Home Medicine Is Ozempic old news? – Sherwood News

Is Ozempic old news? – Sherwood News

by Universalwellnesssystems

Ozempic, a drug developed by Novo Nordisk to treat type 2 diabetes, entered the market in December 2017. Really People are good at losing weight.

Then came the celebrity Ozempic allegations. This is a weight loss cheat code that only rich and famous people can buy. Fast forward until now: approx 13% of adults take GLP-1 medicationsOzempic is the best known class of medicines.

But Ozempic’s domination is fleeting. The patent expires in 2031 Novo Nordisk With increasing competition, they want to maintain their place as the dominant weight loss drug dealer.

The company’s shares were recently assaulted after the latest clinical trials of its next weight loss drug, Cagrisema, failed to meet expectations. The stock fell further after the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche On Wednesday, the competition was further strengthened when it announced it had signed a $5.3 billion contract to develop a candidate obesity drug for Denmark’s Biotech Zeyland Pharma.

Who sells the GLP-1?

In addition to Ozempic for diabetes, Novo Nordisk also sells Wegovi. Wegovie has the same active ingredients as Ozempic and Semaglutide, but can be explicitly prescribed for weight loss. The company sold nearly $15 billion in 2024 on these two drugs alone.

Then there Eli LilyMounjaro and Zepbound are available. The first is diabetes, and the latter is for weight loss. Both have the active ingredient tilzepatide. These drugs entered the market in 2022 It’s more effective More than Novo Nordisk. Elilily’s patent for tilzepatide expires in 2036.

GLP-1 functions by mimicking the hormone that causes a decrease in appetite and has been around since 2005. Both NovoNordisk and Eli Lilly have older, less effective GLP-1s with recently expired patents. Hims & HersTeleformacy, which sold while the imitation ozenpics were shortage, said it would sell liraglutide, Novonordisk’s old GLP-1 drug.

Who is making the next GLP-1 jab?

After seeing the money drugmakers make money on weight loss drugs, they tried to develop their own medicine while Novo Nordisk and Elilily tried to improve their current products.

amgen We are developing our own GLP-1 JAB, Maritide. This is given once a month compared to weekly injections currently on the market. Recent November trial results showed that its effectiveness was in line with Wegovy and Zepbound, but not so good. Disappointing Investor.

Novo Nordisk is developing Cagrisema, a JAB that combines semaglutide with another compound, Cagrilintide (which recently produced disappointing clinical results).

I’m scared of needles. What is the condition of oral GLP-1?

Most people would rather not inject themselves, that’s true. Some companies have tried to create oral GLP-1, but failed. Pfizer and Roche.

Novo Nordisk is the only company that has GLP-1 tablets in Rybelsus, the oral form of Semaglutide. Rybelsus is a daily pill that must be taken on an empty stomach rather than a weekly injection, but it is only approved for diabetes treatment and some say it is ineffective.

Eli Lilly’s GLP-1 pill, Orforglipron, will be held in the second semester exam, where the final results expected in mid-2025 are expected. Orforglipron can be filmed on a more flexible schedule and may be more effective in providing weight loss results than Rybelsus. Company CEO Dave Ricks; I told Bloomberg He expects FDA approval in early 2026.

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