Home Nutrition Is Melatonin Making You Groggy In The Morning? Try This Natural Sleep Supplement Instead

Is Melatonin Making You Groggy In The Morning? Try This Natural Sleep Supplement Instead

by Universalwellnesssystems

Sleep is essential to every aspect of our health. feeling And the function of the brain Our immune systemheart health, etc. Despite how important good sleep is, many Americans Suffer from insomniaLet’s try it. Night Yogajournaling, melatonin, All the other sleep remedies in the book If that still keeps you up at night, there are supplements worth trying.

Enter gamma aminobutyric acid, or GABA.

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GABA is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body and promotes a calming effect. Often taken as a dietary supplement, GABA has a proven track record as an effective alternative to melatonin as a sleep aid. It only acts on the early stages of sleep, resulting in better alertness in the morning (a popular sleep supplement is Melatonin makes you sleepyAlthough research is limited, small studies have shown positive results that suggest GABA may be worth trying if you’re having trouble falling asleep.

Here we explain what we know about GABA, tips for taking it, and why it’s worth considering as a sleep aid.

For more tips to help you get quality rest, try these: 7 Natural Sleep Aids to Treat Insomniaand here’s how to do it Create the perfect environment for sleep.

What is GABA?

GABA is a neurotransmitter It is found naturally in the brain and in some foods, such as tomatoes and soybeans. It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that blocks chemical signals in the central nervous system, decreasing brain activity. GABA promotes calm in the body and helps control overactive nerve cells when we are feeling fear, anxiety or stress.

GABA is available without a prescription as a dietary supplement, and its effects may also be beneficial for people who have trouble falling asleep.

Taking GABA for sleep

GABA supplements, taken alone or in combination with other natural sleep aids, can: Anxiety, stress, and hyperactivity of the brainthe three main reasons that make it difficult to fall asleep. Its sedative effect puts the mind in a relaxed state, putting you in the right mental state to fall asleep.

Decreased GABA levels are said to be associated with lack of sleep. A study Participants with insomnia were found to have 30% lower levels of GABA in their bodies. Small-scale studies A study in middle-aged adults published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience found that taking 300 mg of GABA before bed for at least a week reduced sleep onset latency (the time it takes to fall asleep).

Although there is no concrete evidence that GABA helps with sleep efficiency (sleep quality and slow wave sleep), research has shown that GABA may promote sleepiness due to its effect on the early stages of sleep. Sleepy the next morning As are other over-the-counter and prescription sleep medications such as ZzzQuil.

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A rendering of the molecular structure of GABA.

Artistati/Getty Images

Tips for taking GABA to help you sleep

1. GABA can be taken as a supplement or as a powder mixed into food.

2. For best results, take GABA 30-60 minutes before bedtime (as shown in studies).

3. Follow dosage directions and keep track of how much and how often you take GABA.

Four. Use a sleep diary to record the quality of your sleep so you can identify patterns and possible side effects while tracking the effects of GABA.

Five. GABA is naturally Fermented foods Kimchi, sourdough, sake, Mulberry beer, etc.

6Always consult with your doctor before taking GABA or any new supplement.

Is it safe to take GABA every night?

According to the Sleep Foundation, taking small amounts of GABA from sleep or dietary supplements has no serious side effects, but some consumers have reported experiencing stomach aches or headaches. High levels of GABA in the brain have been linked to daytime sleepiness, and a small number of people report feeling sleepy after taking GABA.

People at higher risk of having a negative reaction to GABA include:

  • Pregnant people
  • Anyone under 18 years of age
  • People taking prescription medication for high blood pressure
  • People taking antiepileptic drugs

Other Benefits of GABA: Stress and Anxiety Relief

Although research is still limited, it is believed that GABA Stress and anxiety Relieving anxiety and stress before sleep should not be taken lightly as it can have a significant impact on the quality of your sleep. Sleep latency and overall sleep quality.

As with any new supplement, be sure to consult with your doctor before taking GABA, especially if you are combining it with other medications or prescription drugs.

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