Home Products Is It Too Late to Get a Flu Shot? What to Know About Vaccine Timing

Is It Too Late to Get a Flu Shot? What to Know About Vaccine Timing

by Universalwellnesssystems

In the United States, the annual flu vaccination campaign begins in early September, before temperatures begin to cool and the cycle for people to contract and spread the virus begins.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendation to Most people will be vaccinated as soon as the latest vaccine is available for the season. And in an ideal world, everyone would be vaccinated by the end of October.

But what if you can't attend a pop-up vaccine clinic at work and put off going to the pharmacy or doctor's office to get vaccinated?

Experts, including the CDC, say it's better to get vaccinated later than to skip it altogether. flu season The season runs from October to May, with peak periods typically occurring in February. Getting vaccinated at any time during the season can help protect you from illness and disease. absent from work or school.

The effectiveness of vaccines varies greatly depending on the season. But even if vaccines cannot prevent infection, they can still reduce transmission. severity of symptoms Dr. Sean Liu, assistant professor of infectious diseases at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, said it lowers the chance of hospitalization. Vaccines could also save lives in vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, the elderly and young children, Dr. Liu said. For example, a 2022 study of children found that the flu vaccine reduces the risk of severe, life-threatening influenza in children by: 75 percent.

When more people are vaccinated, everyone's risk of infection is reduced. “By getting a flu shot, you are not only protecting yourself, but also indirectly protecting people in your community who are at higher risk of getting sick,” Dr. Liu said.

Scientific evidence from decades of surveillance of influenza vaccines in the United States shows that the vaccines have an excellent safety profile and minimal side effects. Most side effects, such as muscle aches, headaches, and general malaise, are simply signs that your body is learning how to fight the flu based on the fragments of virus contained in the vaccine.

For those who are afraid of needles or want to avoid pain at the injection site, full mist, a vaccine that is sprayed into the nose and is suitable for children and adults aged 2 to 49 years. However, compared to shots, sprays can be purchased at fewer pharmacies.

After vaccination, it takes about two weeks for your immune system to create enough antibodies to protect you from the flu. “This is not like a light switch,” says Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Additionally, children ages 6 months to 8 years who are receiving the vaccine for the first time will need two doses, about a month apart, to achieve full antibody protection. Ideally, Dr. Schaffner said, people should plan their vaccinations well in advance of increased influenza activity and well in advance of any major travel plans or family gatherings.

If you're sniffling frequently and have a fever, you'll probably need to wait a few weeks to get vaccinated, but there are still benefits to getting vaccinated after you've recovered from the flu.

“It's not unheard of to get the flu multiple times during a season,” Dr. Schaffner says. That's because there are often multiple types of influenza viruses circulating each season, and being infected with one type doesn't necessarily protect you from another.

However, the flu vaccine is designed to protect against four different strains of influenza that scientists expect to circulate each season. (You may see the term “quadrivalent” on vaccination posters and vaccine product names.)

Symptoms can also be confused with the common cold, RSV, COVID-19, or some other respiratory viruses that are circulating around the same time, unless you have a positive test result that confirms you have the flu. There's also a gender component, Dr. Schaffner said.

Most pharmacies, family doctors, urgent care centers and county health departments carry the flu vaccine through the spring. You can use CDC vaccine.gov Find nearby locations using our database.

The flu vaccine is usually fully covered by health insurance, such as Medicare or Medicaid. If you don't have insurance, you can get a free or low-cost flu shot at your local clinic, public health department, or through federal initiatives. Vaccine program for children.

If you're still wondering when is the best time to get vaccinated, Dr. Schaffner's answer is simple. “This afternoon.”

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