Home Nutrition Is it okay to eat lettuce that is turning pink?

Is it okay to eat lettuce that is turning pink?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Lettuce is a vegetable known for its versatility and crunchy texture, but is it safe to consume if it contains shades of pink or red? Most importantly, it doesn't. What can we do to make this happen?

Why is there pink stuff in my lettuce?

Katie Sabatini, registered dietitian at Little Leaf Farms, said: HuffPost The discoloration of green lettuce is called “rust”.

Sabatini said when lettuce oxidizes, it produces polyphenols, or plant compounds, as a defense mechanism to prevent the growth of mold and fungi. This, and exposure to ethylene gas naturally emitted from adjacent refrigerated produce, causes the lettuce to begin to “rust” and develop a pink or red hue.

“This discoloration is primarily due to improper handling and storage,” Sabatini revealed. “If the leaves are damaged or cut, or if the lettuce is stored with excess moisture, leaf rust can develop quickly.”

Furthermore, according to eat or throwDiscoloration in lettuce can occur due to exposure to high temperatures or overripening of the product, both of which are stress factors for leafy vegetables.

Is it okay to eat lettuce that has turned pink?

Contrary to popular belief, lettuce's pink hue is usually safe under certain conditions.

mental floss I shared that even if the lettuce is dry and crunchy, it's okay to eat if it happens to have a few pink parts.

Sabatini adds that while it may not look appealing, “as long as the lettuce is still crunchy and the remaining leaves are vibrant and firm, it's safe to eat the pink part.” Ta. HuffPost.

However, said Katherine Belisle, a University of Florida doctoral candidate studying this phenomenon, eat or throw It is also said to avoid lettuce that is rotten in any way, such as squishy parts or slimy parts.

As for when not to eat lettuce, Verisle said any type of “wet-looking tissue” is closely associated with bacterial spoilage.

“I wouldn't eat lettuce in that situation,” Belisle replied.

In addition, mental floss It warns that lettuce is “wet, slimy, soft” and/or has a “foul smell” and recommends that it be discarded if it exhibits these characteristics.

When lettuce is in this condition, it can be harmful to eat.

Trevor Craig, food safety expert and corporate director of Microvac Laboratories, explained: HuffPost Unhealthy bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella, and listeria can grow on lettuce, which can increase the risk of foodborne illnesses such as stomach cramps and vomiting.

How to avoid getting sick from lettuce

HuffPost We specifically advise against purchasing packaged lettuce if you have the following conditions:

  • Leaves with mold or black spots.
  • Liquid buildup inside the package – However, a small amount of clear moisture is fine.
  • Multiple dark, damp leaves.

Sabatini urged people to always check the best-before and sell-by dates, as this will guide them to buy the freshest packs available. HuffPost. Sabatini also emphasized storing lettuce separately from other fruits and vegetables and keeping it between 34 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit.

“If you're not sure about the status of your leafy greens, it's best to err on the side of caution,” she added.

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