Home Nutrition Is It Better to Take Vitamin D Daily or Weekly?

Is It Better to Take Vitamin D Daily or Weekly?

by Universalwellnesssystems

How can you be sure your vitamin D supplement is most effective?

Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin,” plays many roles in the body, from supporting healthy bones to strengthening the immune system. But the age-old question remains.

Recent debate has focused on the effects of large weekly doses of vitamin D, rather than the traditional small daily doses. Which offers a better chance of absorption? Which is healthier? Researchers continue to debate the best way to supplement this important vitamin.

However, by and large, most experts continue to recommend reducing your daily intake (except for a few specific health situations). Here’s what to look for in a vitamin D supplement, and why a slow, steady dose is often best for most people.

According to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, the recommended daily amount of vitamin D for adults ages 19 to 70 is 15 micrograms or 600 International Units (IU). The upper tolerable limit (the highest dose considered safe) for adults is 4,000 IU.

Pills, gummies, and other supplements have varying vitamin D dosages. Many contain hundreds of his IUs, but some contain more than 5,000 IUs.

One reason for the variability in OTC amounts of vitamin D is that various studies have shown that higher doses of vitamin D given weekly may have better health outcomes for certain groups. I’m here.

For example, a 2023 meta-analysis found that very high weekly doses (up to 21,000 IU) reduced intensive care unit admissions and death in COVID-19 patients. In another 2018 study, pregnant women who were vitamin D3 deficient received either 1,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU weekly. The group that received the high weekly dose had no adverse side effects and had higher blood vitamin D levels after 10 weeks.

While there may be special circumstances where a higher weekly dosage is justified, most of the medical community remains cautious about recommending this route for the general population.

“Most patients who need vitamin D supplements should take small amounts daily.” Nate Wood, MDa general medicine instructor at Yale Medicine, said health“Patients who are severely deficient in vitamin D may be prescribed higher weekly doses in the short term.”

vitamin expert Ariel Levitan, M.D.co-founder vu vitamin“Absorption is better and more consistent, and taking it daily gives you more flexibility in terms of actual dosing.”

Dr. Levitan also explained various factors for finding the right vitamin D dosage. “The exact amount that each person should take depends on many factors. It includes symptoms,” she said.

Vitamin D is an infinite supply from the sun and is also found in high amounts in some foods. .

Still, a surprisingly high percentage of Americans don’t get enough. 2022 data reveals that approximately 41% of the U.S. population is deficient in vitamin D, with higher prevalence of deficiency among women, non-Hispanic blacks, and people ages 20-29.

According to the TH Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University, the median vitamin D intake from food and supplements for women aged 51 to 71 is 308 IU per day, and just 140 IU from food. This is far from the 600 IU that is beneficial to health.

Vitamin D deficiency can present with symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness, and bone pain. But even if you’re deficient, you may not know it.The only way to tell if you have low vitamin D levels is a blood test.

If your levels are adequate (above 50 nmol/L), your doctor may not recommend supplementation. However, if your levels are lower, a daily D regimen is probably a good idea.

“600 to 800 IU of vitamin D per day is recommended for patients who do not spend a lot of time in the sun, take a daily multivitamin, or eat foods fortified with vitamin D regularly. “There are cases where it is possible to do so,” said Dr. Wood. “Older people and pregnant women may need more.”

Vitamin D is one of only four vitamins that require a fat source for absorption. For this reason, Dr. Levitan recommends taking it with a meal that contains fat. Any fat source will do.

Some people prefer to take vitamin D supplements at certain times of the day, such as first thing in the morning or before bed, but science isn’t clear if this increases their effectiveness. The optimal time is probably what works best for you and helps you stick to your routine.

If you decide to boost your vitamin D levels, there are a huge number of supplements to choose from. This micronutrient is available in tablets, chewables, liquids, and more. Some people opt for sunlamps that boost their vitamin D.

To choose a high-quality supplement, look for labels that show third-party testing. Third party testing companies include NSF, USP, BSGC and Informed-Sport. So look for vitamins with the stamp of approval.

As for choosing between vitamin D2 or D3, both raise blood levels, but most studies show that D3 raises levels significantly and maintains them longer than D2. You can also buy supplements containing magnesium, as this mineral helps in activating vitamin D.

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