Home Mental Health Is ‘Hating’ on Other People Hurting Your Mental Health?

Is ‘Hating’ on Other People Hurting Your Mental Health?

by Universalwellnesssystems
What we know about haters is that they you’ll hate it. We can take a page from Taylor Swift and tell the haters to shake it off, like Selena Gomez did when she silenced body shamers. Haters usually sit on the sidelines and criticize others. However, this term is quite loose and can also refer to being critical or unenthusiastic about something. For example, on TikTok, dozens of videos feature Infinity Song’shaters anthem” he teases about being a songwriter. we all have a little Statler and Waldorf It’s in us, right?

Although expressing disgust may seem harmless and even encouraging, there can be downsides to hate and abuse, especially if it’s ongoing. In the coming days, experts will share their thoughts on negativity and how it can affect your mental health and relationships.

What makes people dislike people?

A disliked person is someone who always says negative things. They are quick to criticize others and things, including events, ideas, and the latest pumpkin spice latte product. When it comes to people, jealousy or the desire to divert attention from one’s own insecurities is often the culprit. But some people simply enjoy the sport of putting others down.

Being a hater is in our DNA. “Our brains are designed to think of worst-case scenarios in order to survive,” says Chief Wellness Consultant and Executive Coach Edited by Darryl Appleton. Whether it’s to avoid a trip hazard or an ex-lover cheating on us, we need to be aware of the threats around us. A bias toward negativity helps us decide with whom to cooperate and with whom to compete.

This is also why our human brains tend to remember negative comments more than positive ones. They are more sticky. They get our attention. And they are hard to forget.

The problem with focusing on the negative, Appleton said, is that we tend to “build neural pathways and teach our brains that everyone is terrible and everything is terrible.” says. “It’s hard work to look on the bright side and give grace to others.” However, you can become more aware of your own disliked tendencies and develop healthier ways to express your emotions. Masu.

Wait, hate can’t strengthen a relationship?

Negative emotions can be the ingredients for powerful bonds. Available for viewing in any season real housewife And cast members are seen taking out their frustrations on each other. As a viewer, I feel disgusted with the housewives, as if we have a common enemy.

Gossip and negative thoughts can stem from emotions such as fear and jealousy. Perhaps you’re comparing yourself to someone else and thinking, “I’ll never have that kind of money,” or “My life will never look like theirs,” so check your feelings. Maybe you feel sorry for your friend because of this. However, please be careful. If negative emotions consistently fuel the conversation, he says, “there won’t be any room for positive experiences to flourish in the relationship.” Briana Palolo, LCMHCClinical Director and Founder of On Par Therapy.

You can also hate someone just because the person you love does. Netflix’s romantic comedy no one wants thismain character Joan (played) kristen bell) describes the philosophy, “If I hate someone, you must hate them too.” This is a mindset that affects her ability to be accepted within her boyfriend’s social circle. Disliking your partner’s nemesis may seem supportive, but Palolo says it can backfire and put unnecessary strain on the relationship.

As pack animals, we tend to conform to those around us so we don’t feel left out, Appleton says. In healthy relationships, people respect each other’s differences. They strive to understand and empathize with each other, even when they disagree (or have strong opinions about others).

How do you know if negative emotions are harming your health?

Just because you don’t like something or someone doesn’t necessarily mean there are strong feelings behind it. You might say you hate the sound of your alarm clock, or you can’t stand it when your boss makes you work late. Disgust can also be accompanied by feelings of anger and helplessness. In this case, symptoms can be more severe and include symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and feelings of worthlessness. If these symptoms persist or interfere with your ability to sleep, work, or enjoy life, it’s important to recognize them and take steps to improve your health.

What can you do if hate is destroying your well-being?

Being an asshole can be fun, but it can be harmful not only to your mental health, but also to the health of those around you. If you consume hours of negative content online or get angry and repeatedly lash out at people, you can physically feel the effects. “This can lead to a sustained fight, flight, freezing, or fawning state, which can lead to increased cortisol levels and increased blood pressure,” Palolo says. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce your feelings of disgust.

Reframe your self-talk

Try recording your thoughts in a notes app or diary. Notice what thoughts come up one after the other, and practice reframing by thinking of three positive or neutral thoughts for every negative thought. Over time, Appleton says, the brain will begin to create neural pathways that lead to positive emotions and experiences.

remove negative influences

Think about what relationships are influencing your negative thoughts. You may need to stop using social media, limit your news intake (especially if it makes you anxious), or unfollow certain accounts. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude can also help you shift your focus from hatred to the more enjoyable and fulfilling aspects of life, Palolo says.

Leverage your support network

It’s important to invest in relationships that allow you to experience a range of emotions. Appleton says surround yourself with supportive people, including those who challenge your negative attitudes and behaviors. You may have people like friends, family, or therapists who can help you maintain a healthy mindset.

That being said, there’s a certain charm to being the hated one. Negative emotions allow hidden desires and dislikes to be openly expressed, which can sometimes be praised (as in “Hymn of Hatred”). Also, when you think critically and express your concerns, you are less likely to be manipulated by misleading information. But there’s a big difference between being a skeptic and being a complete hater. “The key is to balance this critical perspective with openness and positivity to maintain overall mental health,” adds Palolo.

Of course, I don’t hate practical advice like this.

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