Home Fitness Is 30 Minutes Morning Walk On Empty Stomach Good? Doctor Lists Benefits

Is 30 Minutes Morning Walk On Empty Stomach Good? Doctor Lists Benefits

by Universalwellnesssystems

Did you know that just 30 minutes of walking every day, especially in the morning, can improve many health issues? Walking before breakfast increases your metabolism and helps burn fat. The reason is that you don't eat anything in the morning and walk on an empty stomach, so your body uses fat and stored glycogen for energy, and even a 30-minute walk can have a huge positive impact on weight management and control. This is because there is. Insulin sensitivity.

Dr. Rajinder Kumar SinghalThe director and HOD of internal medicine at BLK-Max Super Specialty Hospital spoke exclusively to Jagran English about his 30-minute morning walk on an empty stomach.

Did you know that when you walk on an empty stomach in the morning without eating, your body uses fat and stored glycogen for energy? (Image credit: Canva)

Dr. Rajinder says, “Physical activity like walking is important for your body's health and can help you control your weight by helping you burn calories. Adding a 30-minute brisk walk to your daily routine can increase your daily You could potentially burn about 150 calories or more.” Of course, the more you walk and the faster your pace, the more calories you burn. A regular walking schedule can not only help you lose weight, but also prevent many health problems related to your heart, joints, and mental health. depression, anxiety, irritability), lung capacity, immune system, and physical fitness. ”

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People looking to control their weight and improve insulin sensitivity can reap significant benefits from just 30 minutes of walking. (Image credit: Canva)

She adds, “As a bonus, walking regularly can also help your skin glow. When you eat, your body sends more blood to your digestive system, which reduces blood flow to your muscles and heart, which can lead to cramps. “It may cause this,” he added. It is recommended that you wait at least 30 to 60 minutes after eating before going for a brisk walk so that your food can be properly digested. It's good to exercise at any point in the day, but choosing the best time will help. Make the most of your regimen. For example, mornings are best for walking. There is less air pollution and you can get enough oxygen and fresh air. The calm, fresh morning air is also good for your health. You will feel more active and full of energy. ”

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Finally, Dr. Rajinder Kumar Singhal says, “Walking on an empty stomach contributes to improved insulin sensitivity and helps regulate blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics. Walking regularly helps maintain both blood pressure and lipid levels.” “This can help lower blood sugar levels.” The incidence of heart attacks and strokes. When our bodies don't produce enough endorphins, which are natural painkillers and stress-balancing hormones, it can lead to depression. A daily 45-minute morning walk can help release and properly flow endorphins in your body. ”

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