Home Medicine Introduction to medicine wheel program set Oct. 22

Introduction to medicine wheel program set Oct. 22

by Universalwellnesssystems

HealTree will host an Introduction to the Medicine Wheel as an Object of the Wholeness on Saturday, October 22nd, 10am-1pm, Savannah Road, Suite 10, Lewes, moderated by Rev. Sue Greer To do.

The medicine wheel has been used in many cultures as a model for waking life. Emphasizing the connection to Lakota and Cherokee cultures, Greer explains how it can be used to connect people to the rhythms and cycles of the Earth and their own psyches.

The lessons of the medicine wheel are many. Each direction of the wheel teaches the individual a definite way of existing in the world. And as a whole, it shows how to have a right relationship with ourselves, each other, community, ancestors, and all life.

Workshop participants create a wheel together and experience the power of direction and harmony it brings. Introduces the four handouts and their meanings. Greer drums the meaning of the objects used to create the medicine wheel. Greer experienced and studied the medicine wheel through several teachers and her two different consensus views. Her teachers were Hemiosis Storm, Brooke Medicine Eagle, and her grandmother Twyla.

The cost is $45 per person and includes all ingredients. Space is limited.

For more information or to sign up, please visit: healtree.co Or call 302-827-4683.

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