Home Mental Health International Panic Day 2024: 5 ways to reduce stress to have a healthier life | Health

International Panic Day 2024: 5 ways to reduce stress to have a healthier life | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

International Panic Day 2024: International Panic Day was created to be a kick back, relax and enjoy a fun holiday to get away from the panic that occurs over the little things of daily life. But panic is not fun. Panic, stress and anxiety are serious issues faced by millions of people around the world. It can happen for a variety of reasons. From personal changes, to work deadlines to emotional trauma, panic can come from anything in life. To avoid suffering from stress and anxiety, you need to deal with panic effectively. Every year, International Panic Day is celebrated on June 18th. However, International Panic Day should not be confused with International Picnic Day, which is celebrated on the same day.

Panic, stress and anxiety are serious issues facing millions of people around the world. (Unsplash)

As we prepare to celebrate International Panic Day this year, here are some ways to reduce stress and deal with panic effectively.

Practice slow breathing:

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When you breathe deeply and slowly, your nervous system begins to enter a safe and relaxed state. This effectively reduces panic in your body and makes you feel safe and happy. Practice deep breathing techniques every day.


When thoughts are swirling in your head and you feel like you have no control over anything, try to stay in the moment. Practicing yoga, meditation, or other mindfulness techniques can help you feel calmer, more patient, and more relaxed, which can also help you find healthy ways to deal with panic.

Take time to relax:

When you are exposed to stressful situations, tight deadlines and daily routines, it is natural that your body goes into panic mode. You need some rest to recharge. You can go on a trip, break your diet with a sumptuous meal or sit on the beach and let nature soothe you.

Connect with people:

Being surrounded by positive people naturally makes us happier and more positive, so we should choose the people we want to be around and let them guide us.

Seek professional help:

Panic is the body’s stress response. It occurs when the nervous system feels threatened. You may want to consider seeking professional help to learn how to deal with panic and stress.

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