Home Nutrition Intermittent fasting is social media’s star weight loss programme

Intermittent fasting is social media’s star weight loss programme

by Universalwellnesssystems

NEW YORK, Feb. 15 — There are countless diets and other methods designed to help people lose weight, but some seem to stand the test of time and stand out from the crowd. Intermittent fasting is no different, and despite its critics, it has become a star in the field and ranks among the most popular diets on social media. The diet, which alternates periods of eating and fasting, has generated more than 134,000 posts among French-speaking users on TikTok and Instagram, and the hashtag #intermittentfasting has already reached 2 billion posts on Chinese social networks. Played more than once.

Health authorities always emphasize that nothing beats a healthy, balanced diet combined with regular exercise to stay healthy and reverse the trend of weight gain and obesity. But that doesn’t stop people from looking for other ways to lose weight, whether it’s changing their body shape or dropping a few pounds ahead of the summer season or a particular event. And in the game, it’s intermittent fasting that seems to have a lot of appeal to French speakers, as revealed by a new study conducted by telemedicine platform ZAVA. In the latter, we analyzed raw data from TikTok and Instagram to consider the most popular ways to lose weight.



From fasting to chrononutrition

Despite criticism about side effects such as hunger and mood swings, as well as potential health effects. female hormone, intermittent fasting seems to be a very popular option. According to research by ZAVA, it even ranks among the most popular weight loss methods among French-speaking users on social networks. As of February 6, the parliament had generated more than 134,767 posts on Instagram and TikTok, with more than 2 billion views on its dedicated hashtag on the Chinese platform. The global success, or near-success, reflects recent studies reporting that outcome. Extremely popular in America.

For those who aren’t familiar with intermittent fasting, this diet involves alternating periods of eating and fasting over set time windows. However, there are subcategories of fasting, such as the 5:2 method, which allow you to vary the number of hours in which food intake is restricted or eliminated as needed. This method is still a subject of debate, but Research by US researchers highlights the potential effectiveness of this diet for weight loss, even when combined with exercise. In any case, it is best to consult a medical professional before starting such a diet, regardless of its popularity on social networks.

Mediterranean diet is overdue

According to the analysis, the second most popular diet among French-speaking social media users is chronotrophy, which is based on the same principle. In fact, it’s a diet based on your body clock, which means you eat certain foods at certain times. The study found more than 113,000 hashtag posts on TikTok and Instagram, with tens of millions of views of these terms in French and English on Chinese social networks. . Other popular methods include the Ketogenic Diet (89,564 posts), Intuitive Eating (81,230 posts), Calorie Deficit (45,684 posts), Low Glycemic Index Diet (21,690 posts), and the Dukan Diet ( 20,873 posts).

Of note is the Mediterranean diet. Health benefits are frequently emphasized Scientists say it ranks last, with the two social networks having “only” 5,249 cumulative posts.From the impact on passive smoking to the benefits for people brain and heart, researchers praise this diet, which is known all over the world. However, for social network users, weight loss is not necessarily synonymous with health, and they prefer to lose weight quickly if possible, at the expense of nutritional recommendations designed to work in the very long term. It may be. — ETX Studio

*Zava conducted a study to determine which weight loss methods are most commonly searched for by French-speaking social media users. These terms were used to search for related hashtags via the search bar on TikTok and Instagram. The popularity of these hashtags was evaluated based on the number of posts associated with them. Hashtags related to the same topic are grouped together and the total number of posts for each is retrieved.

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