Home Medicine Integrative veterinary care becoming more accessible to pet owners

Integrative veterinary care becoming more accessible to pet owners

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dr. Cynthia Maro

When I joined the American Holistic Veterinary Association in 1988, there were only 200 veterinarians in the organization. Outside of large cities, finding veterinarians who practice acupuncture, animal chiropractic adjustments, alternative allergy and oncology care, and rehabilitation therapy has been nearly impossible. .

In contrast, newly graduated veterinarians have access to research courses in alternative medicine while attending veterinary college. Many veterinarians are trained and certified in a variety of services that were formerly considered alternative medicine, but are rapidly being integrated into their daily practice across the United States. Treatments, Rehabilitation Therapy, NAET (Drug-Free Allergy Treatment), Ozone Therapy, Stem Cell/PRP, Prolotherapy, Essential Oils, Therapeutic Massage, Laser Therapy, Herbal Therapy (TCVM and Western Herbs). Clinical nutrition and homeopathy.

In my practice, I see 20-30 consolidation cases every day. Most of them are clients whose pets fall into one of the following categories:

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