Home Nutrition Influencer Zhanna Samsonova dies after following raw vegan diet

Influencer Zhanna Samsonova dies after following raw vegan diet

by Universalwellnesssystems

The tragic death of passionate 40-year-old vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has shaken the world from its lazy and blind approach to fad diets. An avid follower of the raw vegan diet, the social media star relied solely on raw vegan fruits and juices to survive. It is speculated that she died of starvation and exhaustion. Samsonova’s mother told the newspaper that after the influencer developed a cholera-like infection, she died of exhaustion because she remained on a vegan diet. .

Her journey was a testament to the power of compassionate living through the benefits of a vegan diet, but some question whether following a raw vegan diet is a good idea. It also reminds her that she shouldn’t blindly follow a diet.

Health Shots reached out to nutritionist Avni Kaul to understand the raw vegan diet and its side effects.

What is a Raw Vegan Diet?

A subset of vegan, the raw vegan diet includes only plant-based foods. Emphasis on raw, unprocessed and uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. While this dietary choice has been claimed to have many health benefits, Kaul notes it’s important to understand that it has both advantages and disadvantages. You should know the pros and cons of a raw vegan diet.

Find out if a raw vegan diet is healthy for you! Image credit: Adobe Stock

Raw Vegan Diet Side Effects

Every diet has its downsides. Moreover, it is not suitable for everyone. Despite a healthy diet, there are certain dangers that cannot be ignored. A nutritionist points out things to keep in mind:

1. Undernourishment

A raw vegan diet can lead to potential nutrient deficiencies, especially vitamin B12, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal or fortified foods, and deficiency can lead to anemia and neurological problems.

2. Digestive problems

Some people may experience digestive discomfort, bloating and gas when switching to a raw vegan diet for the first time. The high fiber content and the presence of enzyme inhibitors in raw foods can adversely affect the digestive system.

3. Limited food options

A raw vegan diet restricts certain foods such as grains, legumes, and prepared foods. These restrictions can make it difficult to get a balanced diet and adequate caloric intake.

4. Time-consuming meal preparation

Raw vegan food preparation typically involves complex processes such as soaking, sprouting, and blending. This can take time and may require advance planning.

5. Social issues

Adhering to a raw vegan diet at social gatherings and restaurants can be difficult. Limited menu choices and the need to explain dietary choices can cause social discomfort.

Benefits of a Raw Vegan Diet

The fact that people are drawn to this diet shows the health benefits of a raw vegan diet. Avni Kaur explains some of these health benefits.

1. Nutritious foods

Raw vegan foods are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Consuming a variety of raw fruits and vegetables may improve overall health, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

2. Helps with weight management

Some people are adopting a raw vegan diet for weight management. Eliminating processed and high-calorie foods and embracing more nutritious, low-calorie options can help you achieve and maintain weight loss more easily.

Benefits of a vegan diet
You can lose weight by following a low vegan diet.Image credit: Adobe Stock

3. Enhancing fiber intake

Raw vegan diets typically contain higher fiber content compared to conventional diets. Fiber aids digestion, promotes bowel movements, and may reduce the risk of digestive disorders such as constipation, diverticulitis, and colorectal cancer.

4. Boost your energy

Proponents of a low vegan diet primarily report increased energy levels and improved physical performance. A diet high in natural sugars and easily digestible foods can be a quick source of energy.

5. Environmentally friendly

Choosing a raw vegan diet can help reduce your carbon footprint, as it typically requires fewer resources, water and land than diets that focus on animal-based products.

Zhanna Smussonova’s obituary is a reminder that extreme diets should be avoided as they can lead to health problems. Surviving on raw food alone doesn’t work for everyone. The key is to maintain balance whether you eat a raw vegan diet or follow any diet. Make an informed decision if you follow a raw vegan diet.

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