Home Health Care Indonesia officially requires its healthcare facilities to implement EMRs

Indonesia officially requires its healthcare facilities to implement EMRs

by Universalwellnesssystems

Indonesia has mandated that medical facilities in the country transition from physical to electronic medical records until December 31, 2023. That’s because Southeast Asia’s largest population enacted a ministerial decree on medical records late last month.

According to a press statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Health dated September 9, the ministerial order will serve as a regulatory framework for implementing medical technology transformation, one of the pillars of Indonesia’s health transformation.

“The Ministry of Health recognizes the development of digital technology within society and the consequent transformation of the digitization of medical services, which has led to the need to conduct medical records electronically in accordance with the principles of data and information security and confidentiality. of the Digital Transformation Office,” said Setiaji. ministry, at a virtual press conference on September 9.


The statement also said that the country’s health facilities SATUSEHAT PLATFORM Developed by the Ministry of Health, it aims to integrate about 8,000 facilities by the end of this year. The patient is also entitled to receive her EMR, but the referral facility can access the records with the patient’s consent.

“This year, we will map all medical facilities based on the Digital Maturity Index,” said Setiaji.

“We’ll see which medical facilities are ready. Later we’ll have a level and from there we’ll use that to implement this policy.”

why it matters

On its official Twitter page this month, the Ministry of Health listed four benefits that EMR will bring to the public.

and Infographic In a Sept. 11 tweet, the ministry wrote that one of the benefits is improved service quality. Digital forms have made it possible to obtain a coherent diagnosis that does not require repetition, unlike paper-based records.

Another advantage is time, cost and Third, the data integration enabled by the initiative will facilitate access to government health programs.

Finally, the EMR will help Indonesia ‘achieve a strong national health system’.

“Since electronic medical records will then be integrated with the PeduliLindungi application, [the data] It will be accessible anytime, anywhere, even for the next 25 years,” the Ministry of Health said. Said In a tweet on September 11th.

Originally created as an official COVID-19 trackPeduliLindungi, a ng platform, is developed as a citizen health app.

on record

In the same statement, Setiaji said the health ministry would help facilitate the digitization of the country’s regional health centers, known locally as Puskesma.

Meanwhile, doctors and nurses can enter patient diagnoses into the digital system, so hospitals don’t need to increase staff, he added.

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