Home Mental Health ‘Indigestion in mind’ : Passengers of turbulence-hit SIA flight inflicted psychological scars, experts say

‘Indigestion in mind’ : Passengers of turbulence-hit SIA flight inflicted psychological scars, experts say

by Universalwellnesssystems
NEW DELHI: The psychological effects of a Singapore Airlines flight that hit severe turbulence, killing one person, have left many survivors haunted by its aftermath and making some hesitant to fly again in the near future. One passenger said he woke up on the floor of the aircraft amidst cries and scenes of blood, feeling nauseous and in distress.

South African Airways Flight SQ321, en route from London to Singapore, encountered severe turbulence, causing the plane to climb and plummet 400 feet in less than a minute, killing one passenger and injuring at least 30.

Mental health experts say passengers may develop a range of mental illnesses after such a traumatic experience.

These may include Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, and more. Budding Space founder Dr Amanda Oh likened the overwhelming nature of the event to “mental indigestion,” highlighting the difficulty of processing such a unique and distressing situation. While ASD symptoms may appear within a month of the incident, PTSD can persist for much longer and impact an individual’s social functioning and physical health.

“A unique experience like the one the passengers had would be extremely overwhelming for everyone,” Dr Oh said.

“For example, if[traumatized people]want to cry or talk about it, let them do that. Don’t rush them through the process, but let them choose how to process their grief and their experiences in a way that feels comfortable to them,” she added.

To aid in the recovery process, mental health professionals recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle and engaging in activities that promote bilateral stimulation, such as walking and swimming. Family members can provide support by allowing the affected individual to express their feelings and grieve in their own way, fostering a sense of independence and control. Dr. Thomas Lee, medical director of the Resilienz Clinic, suggests Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy as a possible treatment to reduce the impact of traumatic memories.

The road to recovery may be difficult, but mental health experts are hopeful that with the right support and intervention, those affected by the turbulence on SQ321 can eventually overcome the psychological scars left by this terrifying experience.

(With input from relevant agencies)

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