Home Health Care In Vietnam, Nguyen Ha Linh Calls On Government To Give Economic Support To People Living With NCDs

In Vietnam, Nguyen Ha Linh Calls On Government To Give Economic Support To People Living With NCDs

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Nguyen Ha Linh

A young woman in Vietnam called on national and international organizations and communities to step up support for people with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), especially multiple sclerosis (MS).

“We urge the Vietnamese government to provide economic assistance packages for NCD patients, especially those with disabilities, because many are paralyzed, unable to support themselves and unable to earn a living,” Nguyen Ha Linh said. Because you can’t,” he said.

Ha Linh lives with MS. From the age of 23 she has been declining rapidly. At first she worked as a graphic designer, but she gradually became lame and she became paralyzed. She developed atrophy of the nerves in her eyes. Today all her activities depend on the care of her relatives.

Nguyen Ha Linh
Nguyen Ha Linh

access to care

Her biggest challenge, however, is access to care and the economy.

“In Vietnam, multiple sclerosis is not covered by insurance, so I have to pay for treatment out of my own pocket with financial support from my relatives,” Ha Lin explained. “Multiple sclerosis is considered a rare disease in Vietnam. People living with the condition find it very difficult to access diagnosis and care, and all major hospitals lack resources for treatment. For those who have access to multiple sclerosis care, this is very expensive.”

government must act

She said people with multiple sclerosis often focus on getting funding from philanthropists who care for people with disabilities. I believe you should.

“Many issues related to the treatment, care and support of NCD patients remain largely unaddressed,” said Ha Linh. “Particularly for those who have a well-established support structure at home, it means that relatives play an important role, as the care and support component is weak. This is not always the case.

“Patients with non-communicable diseases want to urge the government to change health insurance regulations to allow access to affordable diagnostics and care so they can live better lives.” she concluded.

Read Nguyen Ha Linh’s complete NCD Diary.
Please read the following post.

Image credit: Courtesy of NCD Alliance.

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