Home Nutrition Immune boost or over-the-counter poison? Why your “health” supplements may do more harm than good

Immune boost or over-the-counter poison? Why your “health” supplements may do more harm than good

by Universalwellnesssystems

“They’re ingesting this black liquid and apparently using the toilet will bring out the parasites. That’s what they claim.” Nutritionist Steph Grasso She recently took to her TikTok to describe a tincture-like product marketed as a health supplement, telling her horrified followers. “They take it to detoxify and detoxify their bodies.”

But, as Grasso went on to explain, “some researchers believe that those ‘worms’ they see are it’s actually part of the lining of the intestine. ”

It is clear that gut-dissolving liquids are counterproductive in improving health. However, this product, which is said to be effective against “intestinal flora,” can be purchased from multiple sites with a single click.

“57.6% of adults over the age of 20 reported using dietary supplements in the past 30 days.”

Ashwagandha for anxiety. Magnesium for tense muscles. comfrey for period pain. Vitamin C to prevent colds. Taking vitamins, mixing powders into smoothies, and drinking teas with certain benefits are part of the daily routine for most of us. The latest data from the CDC estimates that: “57.6% of adults over the age of 20 reported using some form of dietary supplement. For women, that percentage jumps to 63.8%, and nearly 14% of us take 4 or more supplements.

Not surprisingly, it’s a surprisingly lucrative business.we spend Over $50 billion annually Consumption of powders, tablets, gummies and beverages intended to provide additional nutrients, balance health and improve lives has increased by nearly $10 billion in the last five years alone.

Nonetheless, many critics say the industry is virtually unregulated, as it is not under the scrutiny of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) like pharmaceuticals. The so-called big pharmaceutical companies are not perfect either.American Medical Association May 2022 ethics journalFor example, it highlighted the risks of “underregulated supplements” and warned that “content claims and claims about purpose, safety and efficacy are best viewed as marketing.”

So the question arises: Are our seemingly healthy habits doing us more harm than good?

“Patients always ask, ‘What supplements should I take?'” Dr. Jeffrey Linderthe chief of general medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine told Northwestern Now last year. “They are wasting money and focus. I believe there must be a magic potion to keep us healthy,” but instead, “We should all follow the science-based habit of eating healthy and exercising.”

And even if you wasted money or didn’t feel any visible benefit, it might be as good as you can get with certain supplements. In April, TruVision Health, a ‘wellness’ brand from a ‘weight management’ perspective, issued a recall of 12 of its products for the following reasons: “Probably not safe” stimulant. The FDA states that some user-reported symptoms include “chest pain, chills, diarrhea, dizziness/dizziness, fatigue, headache, high blood pressure, high heart rate, trembling, nausea, irritability, rashes, stomach or abdominal pain, and sweating. , vomiting”. ”

Two months later, in June, “tens of thousands” of canisters of collagen peptides from Vital Proteins, a popular brand endorsed by Jennifer Aniston, were recalled over “concerns.” A piece of broken plastic lid contaminated the product. ” And when Lori McClintock, 61, the wife of US Congressman Tom McClintock, died suddenly in 2021, it was announced that the direct cause of death was dehydration from gastroenteritis.

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However, her death certificate has since been amended to make it more specific that her symptoms were the result of “adverse effects from ingestion of white mulberry leaves.” Mulberry is a common, usually harmless herb that is sold in tea or capsule form, often as a weight loss supplement.

“It’s important to be aware of the potential risks and side effects associated with certain supplements,” says CEO and co-founder Suzanne Mischke. citrus lab. “Some supplements may interact with prescription medications and may be unsafe for people with certain medical conditions.

For example,” she explains.can of joneswort interacts with many prescription drugs, antidepressants, oral contraceptives, anticoagulants, etc. Vitamin K may interfere with the action of blood thinners such as warfarin, making them less effective. Magnesium can interfere with some antibiotics and can interact with drugs used to treat high blood pressure. Iron supplements can interfere with the absorption of some antibiotics, thyroid drugs, and some types of chemotherapy drugs. CoQ10 can interact with blood thinners and certain medications used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease. ”

With “big health” everywhere you go, you might be tempted to self-medicate in a seemingly safe space, such as a drugstore aisle or a browser window. But that methodology can be imprecise at best, especially when it comes to new “promising” herbs and ingredients trending on TikTok. However, in the world of vitamins and supplements, claims about many of these ingredients are not supported by hard, peer-reviewed evidence.

Also, there is often very little information to help determine the quality of the ingredients listed on the bottle, or whether they are in the first place. A 2018 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office investigated “memory-enhancing” supplements containing tree extracts. ginkgo And for fish oil, it was found that “two of the three memory supplement products tested either did not contain the listed ingredients or did not contain the amount of ingredients listed on the label.” did.one of them was not included Any ginkgo at all.

For many of the millions of us who take vitamins and supplements, there is a kind of magical, aspirational mindset around them. And if you limit yourself to relatively safe and sometimes useful stuff, you’re probably fine. I take vitamin D supplements as recommended by my doctor based on my medical history and needs. I don’t feel any different, but I haven’t had any broken bones lately.

“Some people may benefit from vitamin and mineral supplements,” he says. Joan Sarge Blake, Program Director and Clinical Professor of Nutrition at Boston University School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. “Pregnant women should take folic acid because it helps reduce the risk of birth defects and babies. Vegans should take supplements, especially vitamin B12, or eat plenty of fortified foods. But now we’re going to discuss these: Dietary supplements that make claims that confuse consumers, such as, “You need vitamin C for a healthy immune system.” That’s great, but it doesn’t mean this product will boost your immune system. ”

“These supplements make claims that confuse consumers.”

Admittedly, I’m not a fan of $90 dollars like “High School Jean” with clever names like “Woman Who Feels Her Metabolism Might Be Slowing” or “Why Am I Tired?” It’s the quiet-seeking type of consumer who’s intrigued by GOOP supplements. It promises to “help balance an overtaxed system.” And with lofty claims that they rely on “the best doctors and professionals” who are “strongly working in their field on a protocol to help as many patients as possible,” such products are It appears to confidently straddle the line between alternative medicine and medicine. The product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not “intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

During an intensive period a few months ago, I decided to try a celebrity-approved “stress relief” supplement that promised to “calm the mind and fight mental fatigue.” I was drawn to the promise of a “L-Tyrosine, GABA, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola Root” cocktail. I didn’t know what they actually do, or what they were said to do.

Looking back, we can see some of the logic behind the ingredient list. Mount-Sinai explains that L-Tyrosine is “an essential component in the production of several important brain chemicals called neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine” in the body. However, when it comes to treating depression,Studies have found it to be ineffectiveSimilarly, the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) helps slow down and calm the nervous system, says the Cleveland Clinic: What impact – if any — Taking GABA supplements can affect your brain. ”

Just because your body can produce something that makes you feel better doesn’t mean that taking more of it will necessarily help. We have endogenous opioid peptides in our bodies, but we don’t pick up that cute little bottle of morphine at Target. And just because something claims to be “natural” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. That’s why we don’t make salads with belladonna. Unfortunately for me the supplement bottle was just nauseating.

so what can Do we all do that when we just want to feel better? Registered Dietitian Megan Greenwood “Do your research and choose reputable brands. Look for third-party certifications such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) or ConsumerLab.com that verify the purity and potency of your supplements.”

Dr. Julie Gaider, Founder my good gut, states, “To ensure safety, consult a healthcare professional before taking supplements, especially if you have an underlying medical condition or are taking other medications.” And Joan Sarge-Blake advises remembering that “just because it’s over-the-counter doesn’t mean it’s risk-free.” She also recommends eating vegetables. “I can take that money to buy produce, but I don’t want people to spend their hard-earned money on supplements that have no health benefits or potential harm,” she says.

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