Home Health Care Immigration in the US comes full circle for the Bannon family

Immigration in the US comes full circle for the Bannon family

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Bannon family has come full circle since my great-grandfather James came to the United States from Ireland in the late 19th century.

Donald Trump might have put it cruelly:shithole“The country at the time. The Emerald Isle was in the midst of rebellion, fighting for freedom against the oppressive British rule, and suffering from starvation brought on by British economic apathy.” My family’s Our members, like millions of other immigrants, have found a safe home here in the land of freedom and opportunity.

The first member of my family to be born here, my grandfather, Jim Bannon, faced discrimination in his new land. He told me sad stories about his time as a young man in the early 20th century trying to find work. He faced hostility and “Irish no application required” signs, the kind of hatred that some newcomers sadly still endure today.

My daughter welcomed a new generation of refugees to America. She teaches high school English to recent immigrants, including refugee children from violence-torn Haiti. She feels that her enthusiasm for their education and thirst for knowledge is unique to new arrivals.

Channeling the energy and enthusiasm of this new generation of Americans is essential to America’s health, wealth, and well-being. Birth rates for white Americans are declining. These eager immigrant students will pay their dues, get good jobs, enrich the workforce, and pay Social Security taxes for the baby boomer mass retirement generation. Some of them serve in the military to protect their new country from international threats.

We have recently learned from the tragedy of immigrants doing the dirty work that many indigenous people are unwilling to do.of 6 workers All those who died while filling holes in the dead of night on the Key Bridge over the Port of Baltimore were immigrants from Latin America.

Donald Trump wants to bring the melting pot that has made this country great to a boiling point.

in Time’s new interview, the former president said he wanted to use the National Guard to deport illegal immigrants. He said he was open to using the military to deport them.it would be a violation Posse lawprohibiting the use of military forces against civilians.

Trump’s advisers told Time that if he wins a second term, there will be mass deportations of immigrants. This causes fear in the Latino population, where soldiers sweep the streets Gestapo-style, regardless of whether they are civilians or not. This means that if ‘dictator on the first day” and it goes his way.

MAGA Nation loves his rants. But his followers are hypocrites. The real question is how his supporters, the sons and daughters of immigrants, can be so cruel to recent arrivals. Is it because the new waves of immigrants are black and brown, not white? An inquisitive mind wants to know.

of US Census Bureau He predicted that within the next 20 years, the majority of Americans would be non-white. This prospect deeply frightens older white voters who support Trump. Demographics are destiny, and we should strive to accommodate the diversity of our new multiracial society. Republicans just want to prevent inevitable change.

Mr. Trump and his allies have only themselves to blame for the new influx of immigrants. Sen. james lankford (R-Okla.) tried to craft a bipartisan compromise that would strengthen border security. President Biden supported legislation that would do much more. Hispanics and progressive Democrats are dissatisfied. But President Trump’s opponents intimidated the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, and the bill died. All Lankford got on the issue was a rebuke from the Oklahoma Republican Party.

Trump and many Republicans would rather talk about immigration to inflame political passions than actually do anything constructive to fix the system.of party that knows nothing It was the nascent Republican minority that terrorized immigrants before the Civil War. Now, Know Nothings owns his GOP lock, stock and barrel.

“BanFam” overcame the discrimination they encountered upon arriving in the United States and became a productive part of society. New immigrants will also persevere to secure the future of this great country, despite President Trump’s bigotry and MAGA hostility.

brad bannon He is a Democratic pollster, CEO of Bannon Communications Research, and host of a popular progressive podcast about power, politics, and policy. Deadline DC with Brad Bannon.

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