Home Medicine I’m a pharmacist – my 83p herb is a sure fire way to shave years off your face while you sleep, there’s no better remedy

I’m a pharmacist – my 83p herb is a sure fire way to shave years off your face while you sleep, there’s no better remedy

by Universalwellnesssystems

When most people think of anti-aging, they think of putting retinol on their face at night and SPF in the morning.

But perhaps the most important factor is the oldest secret of all: getting enough beauty sleep.

You hear the term beauty sleep a lot, but does it actually work?Credit: Getty
Pharmacist Laura Dowling shares her tips for getting the most anti-ageing benefits while you sleep.Credit: Provided

Beauty sleep means getting a good night’s sleep so you wake up the next day feeling refreshed and energized, and it shows on your face.

When you get a good night’s sleep and your body recovers, your skin is significantly repaired and regenerated, leaving you looking and feeling more youthful.

So while having an enviable cabinet of lotions and medicines may help on the surface, sleeping more deeply can help promote anti-ageing effects from the inside out.

This is an opinion shared by Laura Dowling, pharmacist and founder of fabÜ, who believes one herb can help rejuvenate your face while you sleep.

In fact, she believes there is “no better anti-aging treatment out there.”

“Ashwagandha is a revered adaptogenic herb that has been used for calming and relaxation in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years,” she told Fabulous magazine.

“Ashwagandha helps promote deeper, more restorative sleep.”

“This nootropic is non-sedating and non-addictive, and when used at night, it helps you shift your busy mind, fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer.”

“If you sleep well, you’ll wake up looking and feeling refreshed.

“We all know that lack of sleep shows on your face!

My lips were showing serious signs of aging, but I found a way to fix it. The plumping of my lips has been a night and day change.

“There’s no better anti-aging technique than a good night’s sleep.”

Laura is also a fan of magnesium as an ingredient to help with beauty sleep.

Not only is it necessary for healthy bones, teeth and muscle function, it also helps reduce fatigue and tiredness during the day.

It also combats restlessness and results in deeper, more restorative sleep.

How does Beauty Sleep work?

We’ve all heard the term beauty sleep, but what actually happens when we get good quality sleep that makes us more beautiful?

  1. Increased blood flow
    While you sleep, blood flow to your skin increases, providing it with essential nutrients and oxygen that help repair damage caused by UV rays and pollution, resulting in a healthy glow.
  2. Cell Regeneration
    Skin cells regenerate faster while you sleep. Cell turnover is higher at night, and dead cells are shed and replaced by new, healthy cells. This improves the texture and tone of your skin.
  3. Lowering cortisol levels
    The stress hormone cortisol breaks down collagen and contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Good quality sleep can help regulate cortisol levels and reduce its negative effects on skin.
  4. Hydration Station
    Sleep helps your skin retain moisture, as it loses more water during the day than it does at night. Well-hydrated skin looks plumper and is less prone to wrinkles.
  5. Growth hormone
    During deep sleep, your body secretes growth hormones, which play an important role in tissue growth and repair. These hormones help your skin recover from damage and support the formation of new cells.

“Combining the two will help you wake up feeling and looking like you’ve had some beauty sleep,” adds Laura.

“That’s why these two ingredients, along with other botanicals and vitamins, are included in my R&R RELAX.”

A fantastic R&R RELAX tablet costs just 83p a night and can be used as often as you like.

During deep sleep, your body secretes growth hormone, which plays an important role in tissue growth and repair.

These hormones help the skin recover from damage, such as that caused by free radicals, and support the formation of new cells for a more youthful appearance.

Pharmacist Laura’s 83p buy is said to help slow ageing while you sleepCredit: Provided

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