Home Nutrition I’m a doctor — you think these five foods are healthy, but they’re not

I’m a doctor — you think these five foods are healthy, but they’re not

by Universalwellnesssystems


Apple Day keeps doctors away – unless that doctor is Mijin Brown.

A California-based doctor who runs a popular TikTok account has shared a viral video detailing five foods that many people mistakenly believe are healthy, and that list also includes fruit. .

From an “insulin resistance perspective,” this doctor declared that both fruits and fruit juices pose a “clear” health threat.

“Did you know we have fruit juice?” It has as much sugar as a can of soda? ” Dr. Brown says in the clip, which has racked up more than 1 million views on TikTok.

Fruit juice also doesn’t contain the fiber that comes with eating whole fruit, but even “natural candy” isn’t a safe option, according to Dr. Brown.

“Today’s fruits, and even today’s vegetables, are completely different from what existed in nature back in the day,” she continued. “Most were small and fibrous and not too sweet, but today’s fruits are crazy.”

“They’re designed to be bigger, sweeter, and less fibrous, all of which affect blood sugar levels.”

Dr. Brown offered a little metabolic health advice to his TikTok followers.
Fruit juices have too much sugar, she says.
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meanwhile Past research suggests Agriculture has lost some of its nutritional value, but that doesn’t mean you need to cut fruit cold turkey.

Dr. Brown said some fruits such as “mangoes, pineapples, bananas and grapes” should be “treated as desserts,” but the magazine says adults should consume about 2 cups of fruit per day. It is said that it should be done. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025.

Next is oat milk. Sorry, vegans.

Dr. Brown faulted oat milk for containing high levels of carbohydrates and sugars, not to mention preservatives, emulsifiers, and thickeners.

Take fan favorites Oatly, for example: A standard cup of the brand’s original oat milk contains 16 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of sugar, and just 2 grams of fiber. However, it is fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Veganism sucks — oat milk isn’t necessarily a metabolically friendly option.
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Oatmeal is a great source of fiber, but it also contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
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And in a similar vein, he slammed oatmeal, a “controversial” recommendation for diabetics who need to limit their carbohydrate intake.

Oatmeal is a low-glycemic food, but certain varieties, especially those with added sugar, are not ideal for people watching their blood sugar levels.

Although they are a good source of dietary fiber, Dr. Brown recommends avoiding flavored types of oatmeal and choosing steel-cut instead.

Finally, he cautioned us about mochi. Brown boldly stated that while the snack’s low calorie count is appealing, it lacks fiber and is high in carbohydrates.

It’s hard to feel “satisfied” eating just mochi unless a foodie adds avocado or nut butter on top for protein and fat.

Dr. Brown believes that both fruits and fruit juices are not as healthy as many consumers think.
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Although rice cakes are low in calories, they are not enough to make you feel satisfied.
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Although her recommendations seemed to be made in good faith, viewers were not willing to follow the doctor’s advice and threw up their hands in defeat.

“Is the water safe?” one person scoffed.

“So what on earth should I eat??” wrote another.

“At this point I’ll eat anything and hope for the best,” someone else added, along with a face palm emoji.

Despite online criticism, Dr. Brown insisted in his comments that people can “eat anything in moderation” and wants people to be aware of the metabolic power of certain foods. I hope.

she too was offered a replacementTry eating whole fruit instead of unsweetened almond or coconut milk or juice, plain coconut yogurt instead of oatmeal, or swapping rice cakes for celery sticks.

“I want to educate people about the impact that some ‘healthy’ foods can have on metabolic health,” she writes. “You can still eat it, but be careful.”

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