Home Nutrition I’m 61 but have the body of a 30-year-old

I’m 61 but have the body of a 30-year-old

by Universalwellnesssystems

None of us particularly like the idea of ​​aging, but one man went above and beyond to prevent it from happening to him.

Dave Pascoe may be 61, but his body says otherwise.

Dave Pascoe may be in his 60s, but he has the body of someone in his 30s.Credit: Dave Pascoe
He follows a strict diet and exercise to keep his body in top shapeCredit: Dave Pascoe

The real-life Benjamin Button has revealed his secret to reversing the aging process while boasting that his biological age is less than 38 years old.

Originally from Michigan, USA, Dave is a former network security engineer turned “full-time biohacker”.

It is undesirable for your healthy life expectancy to end before your life expectancy.

dave pascoe

He is currently spending his time turning back his genetic clock and follows a strict routine to do so.

about him WebsiteDocumenting his progress, this singleton shares his extensive exercise plan and how he takes 158 different supplements a day.

“I don’t want my healthy lifespan to end before my lifespan,” Pasco declared.

“My goal is to make them as equal as possible. My expectation is to live in great health until at least 95 years old…if not much beyond 110, God willing.” is.”

The anti-aging guru has revealed that sleep is so important that he never sets an alarm clock.

Instead, he lets his body wake up naturally, mostly lying down and waking up before sunrise.

Dave then begins a thorough morning routine consisting of 15 minutes of floor stretches and 5 minutes of exercise. mini Trampoline improves blood flow.

He then brushes his teeth, waits an hour, and then takes his first batch of 83 supplements, including vitamin D3 tablets.

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NextDave gets some sun on his skin, goes for a run or a brisk walk, and then follows up by applying sunscreen. P90X Workout Focuses on resistance training and weight training.

After working out all morning, relax in the sauna and meditate for 45 minutes.

To fuel his body, he has a workout shake and a breakfast of green bananas and a bowl of chia, nuts, and berries.

Although his routine seems strict, he reveals that he is flexible when needed.

He explains: “If something were to happen that would prevent him from playing one or more of them, I wouldn’t stress about it.

Having good structure and discipline is great, but some of the best things in life happen spontaneously. ”

“‘Me time’ is very important to me, so I schedule it that way, but I’m not going to miss out on the opportunity to spend quality time with other people.”

“As a single guy living alone, I trade my workouts, saunas, and biohacks for quality time every time. Even if I neglect a few routines during the day, it doesn’t kill me. .”

Dave revealed that he often skips lunch, opting for an early dinner of organic grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, or wild-caught fish around 3 p.m.

he also added healthEat vegetables with every meal and include fermented foods like sauerkraut.

Despite his healthy lifestyle, Dave admits that he doesn’t count calories because he believes limiting carbohydrates is enough to stay slim and reverse aging.

He also vows to wear blue-blocking glasses to reduce light exposure when watching TV or using a tablet.

At the end of the day, anti-aging gurus do flexibility exercises and take the rest of their supplements. here.

As well as supplements, Dave also relies on a skin serum to prevent wrinkles and takes two spoonfuls of collagen and peptides to help.

Finally, Dave likes to end his day focusing on the positive by praying and making a list of the day’s victories.

He reversed aging with 153 supplements a dayCredit: Dave Pascoe

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