Home Nutrition If you enjoy these foods, you might have ‘psychopathic’ tendencies

If you enjoy these foods, you might have ‘psychopathic’ tendencies

by Universalwellnesssystems


Are you someone who prefers very strong, freshly roasted black coffee over cappuccino, or do you crave the intense taste of 90 percent dark chocolate over white chocolate or milk?

How about when you go out at night? Do you sip a Negroni or a gin and tonic while sipping on a sweet Moscato or a juicy Tequila Sunrise?

Well, I have bad news.

One study found a correlation between enjoying bitter foods and “psychopathic” personality traits. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Turning your attention to foods with this type of bitter flavor can reveal a dark truth.

People on social media have been going crazy in recent weeks over a 2016 study that looked at an individual's taste preferences and what they tell us about their personality.

Experts warn that people who enjoy bitter foods may have a very dark side and may exhibit psychopathic, antisocial and sadistic personality traits.

It turns out that dark chocolate is one of the foods involved. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Researchers from the University of Innsbruck in Austria surveyed the taste preferences of 953 Americans. Groundbreaking research.

Participants were asked about their preferences for sweet, sour, salty, and bitter foods and drinks.

These same people then had to complete four different personality surveys assessing antisocial personality traits such as psychopathy, narcissism, aggression, and sadism.

The study found a significant link between “increased enjoyment of bitter foods and increased sadistic tendencies.”

Bitter foods include gin and tonics, black coffee, and dark chocolate.

“Two studies investigated how bitter taste preferences are associated with antisocial personality traits,” the study's abstract reads.

“Two American community samples self-reported taste preferences using two complementary preference scales, and measured Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, everyday sadism, trait aggression, and personality traits. They completed numerous personality questionnaires that assessed the Big Five factors.

“The results of both studies supported the hypothesis that bitter taste preference is positively associated with malicious personality traits, with the strongest relationship being with everyday sadism and psychopathy.”

I know what you're thinking. We've all heard of psychopaths, but what exactly is “everyday sadism”?

according to psychology todaythe term refers to someone who “deduces pleasure from everyday experiences in which cruelty is a proxy.”

Gin and tonic was listed as one of the bitter delicacies. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Everyday sadists usually take pleasure in hurting others or watching others suffer.

These people may also enjoy watching gory movies, find physical combat arousing, and find torture interesting.

When it comes to psychopaths, research suggests that 1 in 22 people may have the condition, meaning we are likely to pass many psychopathic people in our daily lives. I am.

Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by lack of emotional reactivity, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral control, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior.

But before you flush that bottle of gin or throw that block of dark chocolate in the trash, researchers say this kind of research into the correlation between taste preferences and personality is still in its infancy. I warned you.

They said that while some link could be established, “evidence is still sparse” and that just because a person prefers bitter foods does not necessarily mean they will exhibit the aforementioned traits.

The researchers also acknowledged that there are important differences between preferences and practices.

They emphasized that some people avoid eating expensive and fattening foods while consuming other foods for socialization and health.

They also note that popular foods such as chili peppers, beer, wine, and coffee are initially aversive, but become acquired preferences through exposure and social influence.

There is also the issue of food sensitivities, as well as experiences. This can be caused by inadvertent consumption, for example, mistaking wasabi for avocado.

Interestingly, Other research They argue that people with a preference for sweet foods may exhibit more “prosocial behavior,” which includes positive acts such as helping, sharing, and caring for others.

It is important not to diagnose yourself or others with a personality disorder. If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health, please seek professional help.

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