Home Fitness If You Can Pass This Simple 10-Second Test, You’ll Probably Outlive Your Peers

If You Can Pass This Simple 10-Second Test, You’ll Probably Outlive Your Peers

by Universalwellnesssystems

Take a 10-second test to assess your overall healthKlaus Wedfeld – Getty Images

You've probably tried to balance on one leg during a simple routine like brushing your teeth. Be happy if you can balance on one leg for at least 10 seconds. Most likely, you will outlive many of your peers. On the other hand, if you are over 50 and cannot do this 10 seconds, balance testrisk may increase. dead According to a 2022 study in Brazil, it has a high rating compared to its peers within 10 years.

Brazilian study published in British Journal of Sports Medicine Last year, it turned out that I couldn't: balance Standing on one leg for 10 seconds increases your risk of death by 84%. Any Causes for people over 51 years of age.

This is a longitudinal study, meaning researchers observed the same subjects multiple times over a period of time. In this case, the research was carried out between 2009 and 2020, but it was part of a broader project that began in 1994. The study recruited 1,702 people ranging in age from 51 to 75, all living in Brazil.

During the first test, the researchers gave participants three opportunities to balance unsupported on one leg for 10 seconds. The results showed that 1 in 5 girlfriends failed to complete the task. They then tracked the participants' health over a seven-year period and found that 17.5 percent of those who failed the test died, compared to just 4.5 percent of those who passed the test. did.

Previous research has suggested that more than just running can have longevity benefits. 40 minutes a day to embrace new technology to feel younger than actual age to mopping the floor— This recent study suggests that good balance may be the secret sauce to survival (or at least one of the key ingredients).

Try the balance test yourself: If needed, find a back-up balance support, such as a wall or a chair. Stand on one leg and place the other leg behind your standing leg. Place your arms at your sides. If unsuccessful, repeat two more times.

Generally, the average person experiences a decline in muscle strength after the age of 35. 1-2% per year.risk of sarcopeniaAge-related muscle wasting diseases also increase significantly from 14 percent to 53 percent between ages 65 to 70 and over 80, respectively. Between the ages of 30 and 40, Flexibility also decreasesmen lose it faster than women.

By comparison, balance According to , on average, it tends to decline after the age of 50. research. (Failure to complete the balance test became twice as difficult every 5 years among participants).

You may be wondering, “What's the big deal?” You're getting older, and at some point you might lose your balance, fall, break your hip, and… it's over. “Of course there is a possibility.” Claudio Gil AraujoThe director of research and education at the Exercise Medicine Clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, who led this study, says: Popular mechanic. “But for me, the most important reason people fall is that they are physically unfit,” says Araujo. Being healthy is important to living a long life, but not necessarily in the way the fitness industry has taught us.

contemporary fitness The industry has a very myopic view of what fitness is. “If you go to a big gym in New York, you'll see people running on the treadmill, usually good runners, and people lifting in the weight room, usually lifting really well,” Araujo says. . But how many people can you count who are working on things like balance and flexibility? “Things like balance can be done at home. Balance is hard to sell,” says Araujo.

but balance This is the basis of a person's ability to move and function independently, and it requires coordination. some physiological systems. It is a core element of longevity, Something that has been well documented in previous research. But the desire to cheat death is stronger today than ever. This is demonstrated by the global longevity and anti-aging therapy market, which is expected to continue to expand. $44.2 billion Therefore, this study cannot emphasize more why people who want to live longer on this earth should focus on improving their balance.

Middle-aged man practicing yoga in his bedroomMiddle-aged man practicing yoga in his bedroom

Good Brigade – Getty Images

“This study joins a growing number of older adults, likely in a new population, showing that quick and simple tests of physical abilities such as walking speed, grip strength, or balance can predict symptoms such as: This adds to previous research on adverse health effects.” thomas bufordsays the professor in the Department of Gerontology, Gerontology, and Palliative Care at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and director of the UAB Center for Exercise Medicine. popular mechanisms.

Of course, it would be short-sighted to think that poor performance on longevity tests could directly cause these results, but Buford continues that these results are a good proxy for overall health. Masu. “While these results may have utility, at the individual level we must be careful about overreacting to performance on any one individual task,” Buford said. says. That said, he believes it is essential to encourage and provide tools to help seniors maintain as much physical function as possible as they age.

But what are these tools? Apparently, you don't have to break a sweat or bulk up at the gym, especially if you don't feel like it or if you're in an older age group. Araujo says 10-minute workouts three times a week can be effective, as long as the intensity is high. “Exercise is very safe, even in older subjects, if you use common sense, listen to your body, and go slowly,” he says. “He doing six or eight repetitions of an exercise at a high intensity is much better than him doing 10 or 15 repetitions at a much lower intensity.”

And when it comes to balance training, it's even easier. Switching legs for 10 seconds per leg for a total of 20 seconds is all you need for the day. However, there are some caveats. Anyone who is bad at balance and wants to challenge his 10-second balance test should stand close to another person, a wall, or other support. (“The test was done in a medical setting,” Araujo is quick to point out.)

“Of course, training balance alone will not be enough to promote a healthier and longer life,” Araujo says. “Physical fitness includes aerobic and non-aerobic exercise.muscle strength, elements of flexibility, balance and body composition. ”

However, testing your balance first is a good place to start. “If you meet safety standards, you can safely balance on your feet for 10 seconds at a time while brushing your teeth,” he says. that's it. Not only did you complete your balance training for the day, you also stayed one step away from death.

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