Home Nutrition If You Are Hosting a Wine Tasting, Do it Right

If You Are Hosting a Wine Tasting, Do it Right

by Universalwellnesssystems

What is Passover without wine? Wine stores stock their shelves for sale and tastings, so make sure you know. Jarachos How to deal with drinking multiple types of wine. It’s more complicated than you think.

Yagdir Torah

Jarrachos when drinking multiple types of wine

Before you drink the wine, say “borei puri hagafen”. With more than one bottle on the table, Bracha must be said to be the finest wine.

If later another wine is brought to the table, sometimes the buracha “Baruch Atah Hashem… Hatov Vehameitiv” is recited before tasting the new kind of wine. Please read the entire document before creating this bracha.

There are three prerequisites for saying this bracha:

1. You are drinking in the company. with friends and family.

2. The other wine is brought in to enjoy the change in taste, not because the first one is finished. You should have left the first few.

3. Having a second drink before hitting the bench

Apart from these prerequisites, Bracha is only used in one of the following scenarios:

A second glass of fine wine is served to the table.

Different wines are defined as wines made from different grapes or wines from the same grapes that have been fermented in different vessels for less than 40 days.

You don’t know second wine quality

It may be equal or inferior.

Start with red wines and then taste white wines.

Even if the white wine isn’t as good as the red wine, so long as the white wine isn’t so bad it’s almost undrinkable.

Start with white wine and taste red wine.

Start with the aged wine and taste the new wine, but at least it tastes the same.

the third wine is poured

And it meets the same criteria as a “second” wine. For example, we are not aware of better or worse than second wine. Also, when earlier Hatov said Vehamative, this he did not have a third wine in mind. This system continues. The most recent cup is always contrasted with the previous cup, the second with the first, and the third with his second, in the same way.

Some final notes:

If two wines are served together, it is correct to chant Bracha Hagafen while pouring the better one. This may mean Hatov Vemeitiv’s bracha is not said with a second glass of his wine, as illustrated in the chart above. Still, it’s correct. If you accidentally sip a blaça of inferior wine, if you taste a better one, you should say blaça hatov vehameitif.

There are three scenarios when the first Hagefen is good enough for the next wine. If it was intended or visible at the time of the first Hagefen, or if the drinker is a guest in someone’s house.

If wine is to be tasted during the meal, each person must make their own hatov vehamative bracha. If it’s not a meal, one person can make bracha and the rest moitzi.

If a new kind of wine is drunk for benching – Vilkas Hamazon – Hatov Vehamative is not said.


During “Shulchan Orech” you should not drink another kind of wine (different from the type you are drinking in four cups) so that you do not have to recite Hatov Vekhameitiv’s Bracha. When he takes a glass of wine, it may seem like he is adding his fifth glass to the seder. But if he craves that wine and really wants to drink it, he might drink it and recite Hatov Vekhametif’s Bracha.

But of course he must drink finer wine and recite the Hatov Vehamitif as part of the four glasses of wine during the seder.

Note, however, that the cup of wine for which benching is advocated does not require Hatov Vehamitif’s bracha, as mentioned earlier.

Based on Seder Birchas Hanehnin
Reviewed by Rabbi Shmuel Bluming

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