Home Fitness I was thrown out of a gym for ‘staring’ — even though I’m blind

I was thrown out of a gym for ‘staring’ — even though I’m blind

by Universalwellnesssystems

human interest

June 19, 2023 | 5:19 PM

Twenty-one-year-old Toby Addison was kicked out of the gym many years ago for staring “creepy” at a woman despite being blind during an appearance on the “Happy Hour Podcast” in early June. It reminded me of a humiliating moment.

Addison, who shares her life as a blind person on her TikTok account, said: @blindtobessaid he heard a woman say, “Do you like the scenery?”

“Obviously I don’t really know where I’m looking all the time,” the content creator said. podcast. “I was just staring forward and unfortunately there was a woman doing exercises.”

A psychology and counseling student was shocked to discover that she had come to speak to him, adding that he clearly didn’t know what kind of practice she was doing.

Addison was at the gym when the incident happened.

“I didn’t realize she was talking to me at first. [I wasn’t] I’m doing something wrong,” admitted Addison, who lives in Chichester, England. “She said something like, ‘Why do you keep staring at me?’ Stop, don’t be so creepy.”

Addison, holding a folded cane nearby, immediately told her that she was blind, but she said, “It didn’t happen.”

Addison told organizers she wished the women had been more understanding.
Despite being blind, he was kicked out of the gym.

“There’s a bit of culture around.” [catching] Jim is creepy,” admitted Addison.

The active gym-goer knows that sometimes his eyes tend to “stare into the distance” when he’s concentrating on something, so women probably thought he was staring. .

“I try to look in your direction because I’m not really sure where I’m looking unless I’m talking to someone like I know I’m talking to you,” he said.

Addison said the woman told the man to “shut up” and then went to get his manager and asked him to quit.

Thankfully, he was a guest of Jim’s friend that day. And he has a “good relationship” with his current gym staff, he said.

and TikTok videoAddison said he understood why the woman wanted to call him because she made him uncomfortable, and wished she had tried to understand his situation better.

“It is very sad that some women are feeling uncomfortable and insecure when they are in the gym because of some inappropriate people,” he said. “It’s also very sad that there isn’t enough awareness of disability at the moment. This guy is more likely to have the kind of situation I described when he’s a mix of the two.”

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