Home Nutrition I Tried Creatine Gummies for Boosting Cognition

I Tried Creatine Gummies for Boosting Cognition

by Universalwellnesssystems
worldYou may have recently come across social media chatter about a topical supplement called creatine. If you ever find yourself sick of the idea of ​​taking a sip of a powdered drink, creatine has fallen flat in your “sounds like fun” department. Far beyond was the strong stance of Flinstones multivitamins.)

Berry-flavored gummies, on the other hand, seem to help the stomach work better before a workout. create wellness Creatine Monohydrate Gummies immediately captured my interest: These vegan, low-sugar creatine gummies promise creatine benefits in their size, with flavors reminiscent of a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. increase.

we recently caught up Dr. Abby Smith-RyanCreative’s in-house scientific advisor, and Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDNPlus, I tried these gummies myself to see how they affected (and helped refuel) my exercise routine. Did.

How Create’s Creating Gummies Boost Your Energy

Before delving into the benefits of creatine, it’s important to understand what it is.According to Dr. Smith-Ryan, the building block of proteins, creatine is made up of these three non-essential amino acids: arginine, glycine, and formed naturally in the body from methionine. But what sets them apart is that all three play a role in protein and energy metabolism, immune function, and antioxidant status in the body.

First of all, it’s important to remember that your body can naturally produce these amino acids when you eat certain foods. Pork and fish are the most abundant sources. “But remember: when comparing creatine in food versus creatine from supplements, foods containing creatine also provide protein and minerals, whereas creatine supplements provide only creatine and nothing else. However, creatine is not available in plant-based foods, so creatine stores in people on vegan and vegetarian diets may be low.

That said, there may be benefits to trying creatine supplements. It is always best to consult a nutritionist.

Digging into the benefits of creatine, Bonci says research shows it may play a role in improving athletic performance, reducing fatigue, and improving mood, stress, and cognitive health. As previously mentioned, supplements can help increase creatine intake without resorting to animal products. [do tend to] Takes longer to metabolize and can affect recovery [compared to supplementation]says Dr. Smith Ryan.

But the main difference simply comes down to the dosage and amount you get from eating food. To get 5 grams of creatine, you would have to consume 6 chicken breasts, which is equivalent to 125 grams of protein,” says Dr. Smith-Ryan. To put things into perspective, you get 1 gram of creatine per Create gummy.

Additionally, Bonchi says creatine can improve athletic performance. helpful Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)is the most basic form of energy within the cell,” says Bonch, which is particularly useful for athletes who engage in high-intensity exercise. It may lead to prevention of obesity, increased strength and muscle mass, increased power, reduced cramps, and delayed fatigue,” she says.

“Supplementation with creatine may lead to improved athletic performance, faster recovery, injury prevention, increased strength and muscle mass, increased power, reduced cramps, and delayed fatigue.”—Leslie Bonch, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN

Several studies have also pointed to some therapeutic benefits associated with creatine supplementation. It has been shown to be an adjunct to therapy. Treatment of brain-related diseases Associated with dysfunction of energy metabolism.Meanwhile, another recent study in 2019 found that creatine positive mood-boosting effectsFinally, a 2021 study looked at the benefits of creatine for cognitive health and the use of creatine for treating brain injury. “Creatine supplementation improve blood flow to the brainn, preserves ATP energy in the brain and lowers levels of reactive oxygen intermediates, reducing brain damage that often follows concussion, known as secondary injury,” says Bonci.

That said, Dr. Smithryan says the benefits of taking creatine are highly dependent on the person and their lifestyle. With regards to dosage, Dr. Smith-Ryan stresses the importance of being consistent with your daily creatine regimen. People tend to forget the powder, but gummies can be taken anytime, preferably at least every day,” she says. Bonci also recommends no more than 3 to 5 grams per day.

Additionally, consuming creatine while (or after) engaging in some type of physical activity may enhance its effects, although it does not contain caffeine. We also know that creatine is usually better absorbed due to vasodilation and energy expenditure. We also have creatine in our brains, so we like to take creatine in the morning or late afternoon and it will give us more energy. can be slightly increased.

I tried creatine gummies and here’s how they impacted my workout routine

Is a pre-workout your pre-gym jam? For me, it’s not. I fall into the highly caffeine sensitive category and can barely tolerate more than one cup of coffee.i get very Jerky. That said, finding a way to boost my energy during my workout without feeling overly caffeinated is one of my top priorities, which is why I naturally added Create’s caffeine-free creatin gummy. attracted.

First, I liked the fact that you can control the dosage based on how much you take. Take 2-3 gummies for maintenance. I chose the latter because I tested this product primarily for its athletic performance benefits.

I try to do a quick workout every afternoon, but as the day progresses I tend to lose focus (and motivation to jump on the peloton) and feel my energy dwindle. This week, I started drinking two creating gummies paired with a large glass of water about an hour before riding my stationary bike.

Immediately after eating the gummies, I felt an immediate surge of energy, like after drinking a protein shake or matcha green tea. wait, did i take too much? But after about 10 minutes, my anxiety seemed to dissipate and all I was left with was a focused energy (amino acids) that helped me find the motivation to jump on the bike. It was a lot different and much more comfortable than the nervous feeling I get after drinking an energy drink at night. I felt exactly the same every day I ate.

In fact, it was much different and much more comfortable than the nervous feeling I get after drinking an energy drink before exercise. was.

As for how it affected my workout, I felt more energy throughout the ride and less fatigue overall. I didn’t have leg cramps after I got it. Overall, my final thought is that these gummies are a great way to overcome the barriers to entry into the world of creatine that is accessible to almost everyone. It feels so much better than the neon-colored pre-workout drink that’s the ticket.)

RD explains what to eat for optimal energy.

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