Home Nutrition I shed a pound a week — by eating pasta for every meal

I shed a pound a week — by eating pasta for every meal

by Universalwellnesssystems

food drink

April 1, 2023 | 2:40 PM

Think Pasta Bill Tea!

The personal trainer claims to have achieved what health geeks might consider impossible: lose weight while eating carbs every day.

Ryan Mercer, 34, ate noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner for three weeks, proving that people can enjoy their favorite foods and achieve their ideal bodies.

“I hope people realize that it’s not about what you eat, it’s about eating in moderation,” said Mercer, who is from Northern Ireland. told SWNS.

For those who can’t stop eating their favorite foods — that’s Amore!

Mercer claims he ate pasta with every meal for three weeks as part of the Mission Impastabre.
Ryan Mercer/SWNS

“Calories in and calories out are the most important things when it comes to fat loss, and enjoying your food should be your number one priority when it comes to fat loss,” adds Mercer, adding that the 21-day challenge will help you lose 3.5 pounds. claimed to have lost

Now, pasta at every meal isn’t Mercer’s typical diet.

He says he aims for enough protein and lots of fruits and vegetables. But to prove his point, he needed to take it to the extreme.

Five days a week he consumed 2,000 calories of pasta and the other two days he consumed 2,700 calories, while maintaining a typical exercise routine of training six times a week.

While not the most nutritious, the meal certainly saved us quite a bit of penne.

Mercer says he saves time by spending less than $4 a day on food and cooking up to 12 meals at a time.

He claims to spend less than $4 a day on food and cook large meals that can be portioned.
Ryan Mercer/SWNS
For 21 days, he ate a different kind of pasta at every meal.
Ryan Mercer/SWNS

“I cooked everything from scratch. I found the prep side of things to be very easy,” he explained.

“There was some variation from week to week, but I was batch cooking, so I would be eating the same meal three or four days in a row.”

Mercer is no stranger to restrictive and extreme challenges.

He previously embarked on a journey of eating nothing but pizza for a month to prove a similar point, but he’s not the only one.

Not only has he reportedly lost weight, but he has shown that a carb overload does no harm.

One fitness influencer claims to eat 100 eggs a day to reach her protein goal.

A pair of nudists, on the other hand, touted a fruit-only diet as the key to health and getting rid of body odor.

And a Nashville man recently vowed to eat exclusively McDonald’s for 100 days to lose weight, claiming it “absolutely” works.

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