Home Fitness ‘I lost 4.7st by combining two types of exercise

‘I lost 4.7st by combining two types of exercise

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dieting is seen as essential for weight loss, but for many people, dieting doesn’t help them maintain significant weight loss.

In a video titled “My 30kg weight loss and fitness transformation”, YouTuber Lucy Lismore breaks down the key factors that helped her lose 4.7 stone, and claims her tips can help anyone “who hates going to the gym”.

“In total, I lost 30 kilos and got stronger, healthier and more fit, all without leaving my house,” the content creator explained. The “key” to losing weight, she said, is consistency.

“When I was in school, I hated gym class, but as I got older, I started eating more and exercising less. My weight kept increasing.”

Slim people lost weight without going to the gym

Lucy Lismore / YOUTUBE

For years, the fitness guru was confused by nutrition, believing he was eating a healthy diet because he drank juice instead of soda.

“I thought I was eating relatively healthy because I was cooking all my meals at home and when I went to the supermarket to buy snacks I thought I was buying healthier snacks like muesli bars and orange juice,” she explained.

However, after researching the science of weight loss, Lucy realized she was burning fewer calories than she was taking in.

“When I did the math, I realized the amount of food I was eating far exceeded the number of calories my body was burning each day.”

“I set myself a daily calorie goal that I knew was less than my body was burning and I stuck to it.

“I ate healthier versions of my favorite recipes, cut down on snacking, and learned how many calories were in certain foods.”

To make her weight loss results last, she chose not to cut out any foods from her diet.

“The only thing I didn’t do was restrict myself,” Lucy explained. “I didn’t cut out any food groups. I didn’t stop eating chocolate or stopping drinking coffee – all the things I really love – I just ate less.”

“I think that’s really important, because if you limit yourself too much, you’ll go crazy.”

Lucy combined bodyweight training with high interval intensity training, committing to an hour of training every day.

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Lucy is now

Lucy has been successful in maintaining her weight.

Lucy Lismore / YOUTUBE

“I’m finally starting to lose weight,” she declared.

“After about six or seven weeks, I started losing weight steadily and reached a healthy weight.

“I have experienced the benefits of bodyweight training in every aspect and truly believe it is one of the best forms of exercise for losing weight, staying healthy and getting stronger.”

Naturally, she experienced a few setbacks along the way, but she claims that a sustainable approach to weight loss got her back on track quickly.

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