How it all started

Where do I start? Where it all started…right? I have had hypothyroidism for the past 6 years. I have been on thyroid supplements since being diagnosed and will have to take them until I die. When I was first diagnosed, I had blood tests for T3, T4, and TSH every 3 months, and at first I continued to take medication, but I couldn’t keep up the torturous process for long.

The thought of taking that medication every day I woke up was traumatic. In the past, I was so busy in the morning that I sometimes forgot to take my medicine. Who said that hypothyroidism is easy to manage once it’s discovered? How do I take my medication as prescribed and make sure I get the right dose? I took the medication for just two days, but now I’m not taking it at all. Here’s everything I experienced after stopping my thyroid medication.

extreme fatigue

I’ve always been a busy person who moved around a lot. I suddenly felt surprisingly tired. I get 8 hours of sleep as usual, and as soon as my alarm wakes me up, I want to go back to sleep. I would drag myself to work, spend the whole day there, and then go home and sleep. I no longer have the energy to do the work I once loved.


My meal schedule has gone crazy.

I ate very little because I was hardly hungry. I had no idea that my slow metabolism was the reason I always felt full. However, when you eat fast food that is full of oil, you end up eating more than you need.

I was too fat

Even though I ate less, I kept gaining weight. My weight increased from 5 kg to 10 kg to 15 kg. My metabolism was so bad that every time I ate something, my stomach would swell up like a balloon.

I was overwhelmed.

feeling! I was drowning in them. They were crying loudly everywhere. I remember being so furious about a phone call in the morning that I threw my phone on the bed with a little too much force. The phone fell over and hit the floor, but the screen shattered. Another time, I yelled at my girlfriend’s mother even though I wasn’t angry. But I couldn’t stop talking. She said she understands how my mood swings are getting worse.

Hair loss is out of control

seriously! I lost over half of my hair, and that’s not an exaggeration. She hated my presence because she had hair falling on her pillow case, books, laptop, table, basically everywhere. In addition to hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes also tend to droop. I kept blaming it on the new mascara I had been using.

My skin has become dull

I’ve been serious about skin care since I was a teenager. Nevertheless, my skin was glowing even when using a moisturizer. I received a lot of compliments, but unfortunately it didn’t last long. My skin started to break out in areas where I had never had any problems before. I thought maybe my skin was being purified because I used new skin care products.


Here’s what I did to treat my thyroid

By this time I had had enough and consulted a doctor. The next day, while I was fasting, I had the usual tests my doctor had scheduled. The first thing my doctor said after seeing my elevated thyroid levels was: I laughed out loud and admitted that I was actually experiencing it. He explained that my hypothyroidism can be managed with medication and that’s how he would check my hypothyroid levels for the first three months. I was advised to eat clean, exercise and stay active throughout the day.

how i controlled

It was difficult at first, but with proper diet and exercise, as well as natural and homeopathic medicines, and of course thyroid medication, the problem was cured. I was able to control my weight by drinking lots of water and exercising. I stopped eating raw cruciferous vegetables and sugary foods. Maintaining a clean diet was the best decision I made on my thyroid recovery journey.

(Based on information from management consultant Radhika Sharma.)