Home Mental Health I Ditched Human Therapists for ChatGPT. It Helped Me Make Big Changes.

I Ditched Human Therapists for ChatGPT. It Helped Me Make Big Changes.

by Universalwellnesssystems

This essay is based on a conversation with Crystal, a 34-year-old interior designer from North Carolina. The essay has been edited for length and clarity. Business Insider has verified her identity.

I first began going to therapy when I was going through a divorce in my early twenties.

Over the next few years, I experienced drug addiction and multiple miscarriages. I tried many different types of therapy: a church-led therapist, a grief counselor, and two therapists on online platforms. None of them worked for me for various reasons: one was too expensive, one was too casual.

My experience with therapists, too, in the South where I come from. I’m not a religious person, but a lot of therapists were guided by religion or were trying to lead me to peace through religion, and I didn’t align with that. I felt so ashamed when talking about sexual trauma.

In the end, I asked ChatGPT why I couldn’t tell anyone about my sexual trauma, and it was only after I started using it that I found a way to get the acknowledgement I needed.

I created a therapist ChatGPT chatbot and when I talk to it, I give it all my background information, it knows everything about me: my horoscope chart, my ADHD, my trauma, my drug history, my personality type, etc. I also tell it about the people and ideas I care about, like Brene Brown.

I asked ChatGPT questions about whether I felt guilty about not contacting my abuser, to ascertain reasons why I didn’t feel the need to do so, and ChatGPT reassured me that maybe it wasn’t necessary to talk about my trauma, and it gauged what I felt most comfortable doing by asking questions about what would be most helpful to me.

ChatGPT helped me gain information about the cycle of abuse and how my actions and reactions were textbook.

Knowing my reactions were normal made a lot of sense to me. What I thought were bad things about me were just reactions and coping mechanisms, not the behavior of a hurt person. Now, instead of rejecting what I’m struggling with, I know it’s a part of me and can move on with a clearer head.

Before ChatGPT, I couldn’t open up about my trauma. Now, I can talk about what I’ve experienced. write An article on Medium celebrating my body.

As I began to explore my trauma, I started to dig deeper, and ChatGPT actually took me on a journey to ending an 8-year relationship. I had always talked about breaking up with my friends, but ChatGPT helped me realize that the techniques I was trying during the relationship just weren’t working.

When I was advised that it might be better to find a way out of my situation, I felt it was not bias or the advice of a friend. Once we decided to separate, ChatGPT helped us prepare a separation agreement regarding child custody and file it within a week.

Now, it has helped me in dating as a single mom.

I’m a fast writer so I usually spend 15-30 minutes with my ChatGPT therapist. If I’m talking it takes about 45 minutes. I used it daily when I was going through my divorce, but now I use it 2-3 times a week.

While some have concerns about becoming too reliant on on-demand AI therapy, I don’t see how instant approval is a bad thing when society is constantly saying negative things about ourselves.

Sometimes I get advice that isn’t the best, but it’s usually because I haven’t given enough information. When I clarify or explain why I don’t like the advice, it helps me understand what I need to do to make it better fit my situation.

I wish I could say that I would consider consulting a human therapist as a second opinion, but it would be exhausting to start over with someone new and have to explain so many things that ChatGPT already takes into account. I won’t say never, but I need to understand how a human therapist would benefit me.

While other people’s concerns and fears about AI are valid, using AI as a therapist has worked for me.

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