Home Nutrition I added 1 supplement to my routine and my skin has never been clearer

I added 1 supplement to my routine and my skin has never been clearer

by Universalwellnesssystems

Collagen is a protein that provides structure and support to the skin, muscles, bones and other connective tissues.

As you age, your body’s collagen decreases, leading to wrinkles, sagging skin and loss of bloating on your cheeks.

Taking supplements is helpful at any age. However, according to Vital Troteins UK, it is most beneficial between the ages of 20 and 30.

This is because this is because the amino acids needed to produce collagen are beginning to decrease.

I recently took supplements from Wasen for 3 months.

There are many collagen supplements on the market, and they are in both powder and tablet form, so it can be difficult to know which to take.

I chose Wassen Beauty + Collagen, a small sachet of flour that I add to 500ml of water once a day.

It claims to be useful for achieving healthy nails, normal skin and healthy hair because it contains collagen, vitamin C, biotin and selenium.

Simply add lemon and raspberry powder to 500ml of water and drink it every day. I initially found the taste to be very strong, but the powder took a while to dissolve, but quickly got used to it.

Drinking 500ml daily is a huge challenge as it is one-quarter of the daily intake recommended at a time.

I didn’t want to leave a drink too long as I found the powder to sink to the bottom.

After drinking this for three months, I noticed a huge difference. My hair is in much better condition, which feels richer and thicker.

My nails are growing stronger and much faster, and my skin is almost balanced with pigmentation.

It’s hard to know how much of this improvement can be applied to the collagen supplement, or whether it’s time and diet, but I think it’s been a dramatic improvement after taking the supplement.

Wassen has many products available on the market Directly from their website for £19.99.

If you are thinking about taking collagen supplements, it is best to do a lot of research before you settle for the right product.

Holland & Barrett has a variety of suitable products, including 15 bags of New Nordic’s Collagen Shot, 90 tablets of Bioglan Beauty Collagen, and 10 bags of important protein marine collagen.

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