Home Fitness Hunky fitness trainer demonstrates what exercises will lead to more intense orgasms

Hunky fitness trainer demonstrates what exercises will lead to more intense orgasms

by Universalwellnesssystems
Credits: Instagram

The need to go to the gym regularly for fear of losing results is a buzzkill in gay pranks or on days when your body feels disdain for leaving home. You can brag about liking it as much as you like, but there are always moments when you delay your workout by a few hours until vanity wins over laziness. are available.)

But aside from achieving a fitter body and long-term health benefits, proper training leads to better sex. scientific facts It proves this.Stamina, endurance, form, and confidence not only sound like they describe a gifted lover, but they are also traits to train. Why is less important than how, but we asked DTF Body Trainer Dan Walden Demonstrate exercises that maximize your abilities in bed and pleasure. After all, the best cardio is done in the bedroom. If you don’t want to put on muscle, you can enjoy Viagra, which sees Welden shirtless in tight shorts and in various positions., And he’s talking dirty to your fitness.

gluteus maximus and quadriceps

Women may conquer the world with the right heels, but gay men can get the job done with nothing but speed shoes and poppers. Squatting allows you to enjoy both more, but Welden says you shouldn’t just squat for your upper body to ask for your lower body. Studies have shown that properly training your legs naturally increases your testosterone levels, which typically boosts your libido. It provides a lot of strength and power. He recommends resistance band glute kickbacks, single leg glute bridges and resistance band squats.

“Think of bottoming out like a cowboy on a horse,” says Welden. When that horse starts to rampage, you will be shot down. When it comes to tops, the hip thrust is one of the cowboy’s most important moves when riding a horse. It’s hard to be the horse a cowboy wants to ride if his butt and legs aren’t up to par. So strengthen your glutes and legs and become the prancing horse every cowboy wants. “

chest and triceps

Welden says anyone who has been on all fours for a long time understands how their arms can get tired. Because they are not ready to keep pushing up. Especially if you’re standing with your top leaning back and your weight on your back. Or, when it comes to tops, Welden says that even if you’re missionary style with the bottom on your back, propping yourself up on top of him while his legs wrap around your waist, this is just as good. You say it works. As a result, you might get your arm blown off before the man downstairs. “If you get the chance to grab a big, strong chest and suck it, you know it will only help with arousal,” adds Welden.

Welden does the Incline Dumbbell Bench, the Incline Close Grip Dumbbell Bench, and the Incline Resistance Band Fly. Rather than focusing on body weight, he recommends combining movements to maximize your time in the gym while working on your chest and triceps and working on your endurance. Heavy benches are fortifying, but they also require endurance to last through the night.

shoulder and biceps

Balancing the muscle groups trained is important for both tops and bottoms, but when it comes to sex, Welden says tops need to lift heavy. If he puts his hands in between, his back up, lifts you in the air, and puts you in the right position so that all the members are aligned and he can slide in well, he will push you to the wall. , and drill you like a construction worker who loves his job, and you’ll find men working out their shoulders and biceps.

Wondering how to become the aforementioned construction worker who appears in all too many Sean Cody videos? Welden says these exercises simulate movement while training the muscles you need. Parallel Grip Front Dumbbell Raise, Parallel Grip Shoulder Press, Parallel Grip Dumbbell Curl. Then repeat! (As your partner asks.) Do the video justice, turn on the sound and watch. If you have a good imagination, just close your eyes.

trunk training

This may seem obvious, but no one wants a herniated disc when going to Pound Town. While throwing each other around like Rottweilers with new chew toys, Welden says the best way to prevent this is to develop a strong core. One method is the Ab Wheel, and in this video I show you four variations of varying difficulty that will help you develop a Thor-like core, so you’re physically fit in the process. You can be a Greek god in bed with minimal fear of getting hurt.”

Workouts include standard ab rollouts, leg-up ab rollouts, ab rollout planks, and standing ab rollouts. Abs may be the least enjoyable muscle group, but they are definitely the most enjoyable exercise.

weight training

According to Welden, strengthening specific muscle groups is the key to making your explosive night more drenched. But full-body weight training is also essential for muscle balance, endurance, and making sure your whole body is prepared to prevent injury when attempting complex postures. , becomes even more important when stacking weights. “This demonstration will show you how to hit your back, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and chest,” says Welden. “Be extra careful not to arch your back when you exercise, and you should be too. Developing the overall strength and flexibility to weight train properly will allow you to hang from a tree, even on your knees.” It gives me strength and flexibility that I am happy with.”

He suggests a series of barbell rows, deadlifts and decline pushups for weight training.Out of respect for Welden, I won’t comment on how great his butt is. But you can in the comments below – it already feels like summer.

(Author’s Note: Regarding Welden’s advice, there was a lot of “top” and “bottom” phrasing in this article, but I always insist that multi-talented gays have the most fun and get all the fitness rewards. doing.)

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