Home Mental Health How to tell when stress is a problem

How to tell when stress is a problem

by Universalwellnesssystems

This means it’s a good time to sign up for CNN’s Stress, But Less newsletter.our A six-part guide to mindfulness Encourages you to reduce stress while learning how to take advantage of it.


As we approach Stress Awareness Month in April, I know that there are many things that cause stress: mass shootings, wars around the world, the long-term effects of pandemics, and the daily stresses of living and working in the 21st century. I’m here. I’m sure I have your list.

Everyone experiences stress at various points in life. But when does stress become an issue that needs our attention? What symptoms should one look out for? What are the health effects of long-term stress? What are healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms, and what techniques can help you cope with and prevent stress?

After dropping my kids off at school late (sorry, my fault), I was looking forward to some advice from CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen. Wen is an emergency physician and George She is a professor of health policy and management at the University of Washington’s Milken Institute School of Public Health. She previously served as the Baltimore Health Commissioner and Chair of the Behavioral Health System in her Baltimore.

CNN: Let’s start with the basics. What exactly is stress?

Dr. Liana Wen: There is no single definition of stress. The World Health Organization definition refers to a state of anxiety or tension caused by a difficult situation. Many people experience stress as mental or emotional tension. Others also have physical symptoms of stress.

Stress is a natural reaction. It is the human response that prompts us to respond to challenges and perceived threats. A certain amount of stress is good for your health and can encourage you to fulfill your obligations. Stress prompts you to study for a test or complete a project by a certain deadline. Virtually everyone experiences that kind of stress to some degree.

CNN: Why is stress a problem?

Wen: The same human reactions that motivate us to work hard and finish projects can also lead to other emotions, such as being unable to relax, feeling irritable or anxious. Some people have physical reactions such as headaches, upset stomachs, and trouble sleeping. Long-term stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and behavioral health conditions, including substance use. may worsen symptoms in people with

CNN: What are the symptoms of stress people should pay attention to?

Wen: In addition to feeling irritable and anxious, stressed people can also feel nervous, anxious, and angry. They often express other symptoms, such as feeling unmotivated. unable to concentrate; and tired, overwhelmed, and burned out. People in stressful situations often report feeling sad or depressed.

It’s important to note that depression and anxiety are separate medical diagnoses. People with depression and anxiety may find their symptoms worsened by the addition of stress in their lives.Long-term stress can also lead to depression and anxiety.

One way to think about the difference between stress and anxiety or depression is that stress is generally a reaction to external problems. External causes can be good and motivating, such as a project needs to be completed. There is also the possibility of negative emotional stress, such as an argument with a romantic partner, concerns about financial security, or a difficult situation at work. Once the situation is resolved, the stress should go away.

Anxiety and depression, on the other hand, are generally persistent. Even after the stressful external event has passed, these internal insecurities, feelings of worthlessness, and sadness are still there, hindering our ability to live and enjoy life.

CNN: What are the health effects of long-term stress?

Wen: Chronic stress can have long-term effects. Studies have shown that it may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. This is associated with an exacerbated immune response and cognitive decline.

People who are stressed are also more likely to support unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, excessive drinking, substance use, lack of sleep, and lack of exercise. may be connected.

CNN: What techniques help you deal with stress?

Wen: First, awareness is important. Know your body and your reaction to stress. Sometimes, anticipating that a situation might be stressful and being prepared to deal with it can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Second, identifying symptoms can help. For example, if you know that your stress response includes feeling an increased heart rate or feeling agitated, it will detect symptoms when they occur and help you understand when a stressful situation is occurring. You can notice that

Third, know what stress relief techniques work for you. Some people are big fans of mindfulness meditation. Those and deep breathing exercises are good for everyone to try.

For me, nothing beats stress relief like exercise. Exercise, especially swimming, works for me. Aerobic exercise has been associated with stress relief and can also be helpful when combined with a high-intensity regimen.

Many people have other specific techniques that work for them. Some people clean their homes, organize their closets, or work in their yards. Some people take walks in nature, journal, knit, play with their pets, or go biking.

We encourage you to try what works, look at existing techniques that are helpful, and incorporate some of those practices into your regular routine. It’s a good tool.

CNN: What are some unhealthy coping strategies people should avoid?

Wen: absolutely. There are things that can actually make things worse in an attempt to make you feel better in the short term. Excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, and smoking are not healthy coping strategies. It’s the same with staying up all night, binge eating, and venting your frustrations on your loved ones. These have far-reaching consequences, so if they were your go-to coping mechanism in the past, you should rethink them.

CNN: When do you ask for help?

Wen: If the stress you are feeling is consistently interfering with your work, social or personal life, or if you are experiencing signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders, seek help. The time has come to ask for

Talk to your doctor and consider getting a referral to a therapist. Your workplace may also have an employee assistance program. Also, the Federal Mental Health Crisis Hotline number 988 is another resource.

This April, Stress Awareness Month, I hope we can all assess our own stress levels and responses to stress. As we aim to improve our physical and emotional well-being, we need to be aware of what can help us reduce and reduce stress.

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