Home Mental Health How to stay motivated through your new years resolutions

How to stay motivated through your new years resolutions

by Universalwellnesssystems

You may be excited to make changes for the new year, but how can you keep the same fire burning all year long?

Macon, GA — When the clock strikes midnight and a new year begins, it’s not just the feeling of accomplishing another year, but the positivity of setting new goals.

“I try to clean my house, clean my kitchen, clean my desk, and then I try to prioritize,” said Charlie Thomas.

Thomas makes changes throughout the year, but knows how special the New Year will be for others.

“I hope you’ve prepared your mind for the way you’re going to do it,” Thomas said.

In the first month of the year, it’s common for many to feel the excitement of accomplishing something new.

“People start with this very heightened excitement about what’s to come,” says counselor Gloria Cisse. No. So if it doesn’t happen, I think I’m the worst person in the world.You can’t even set a goal and make it work.”

Cisse recommends setting realistic goals and taking the time to make a real plan to reach them. Then check your progress.

“Take a calendar and check off the days you’ve done it. If you’ve done it for seven days, great. If you’ve done it for two days, you should celebrate,” Cisse said.

It helps you find people with similar goals who you can team up to hold each other accountable.

“We could start at any time, but I think the collective power of January 1st is real,” said Thomas.

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