Home Mental Health How to reduce flight anxiety after Singapore Airlines’ fatal turbulence, according to expert

How to reduce flight anxiety after Singapore Airlines’ fatal turbulence, according to expert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many people suffer from anxiety before boarding a plane, but according to psychologists, there are some highly effective tips and tricks you can use to deal with pre-flight anxiety.

There are several ways to reduce flying anxiety (stock photo)(Getty Images)

Many people may be nervous about flying after their scary Singapore Airlines flight, but there are ways to deal with pre-flight anxiety.

Many holidaymakers are already apprehensive about air travel, but these concerns may have been heightened following a recent accident that killed one man and left several passengers seriously injured.Fear of flying, also known as aerophobia, is a genuine fear.It is the fear or anxiety felt before, during and after a flight.

Currently a licensed psychologist Dr. Mark Rackley We shared advice on how to overcome your initial fears. He explained that anxiety works in cycles and that once he felt fear, he would be reminded of that feeling every time he thought about flying.

Dr Rackley said: “Your brain associates flying with emotions like fear, anxiety, worry, and panic. Your brain then remembers how you feel about flying, and when you think you have to get on a plane, it remembers how you feel about flying. It’s a worrying reaction.”

“Our emotions are influenced by the way we think, so it’s clear that people who have a fear of flying have negative, threatening, and frightening thoughts about flying. They think it’s dangerous and if… Some consider it life-threatening.”

To reduce your fear of flying, he explains, you need to “change the thoughts that are creating the fear.”

“So this starts with allowing yourself to challenge and change your thinking,” he added. He said using rational thinking can help with this. “Things like, ‘What is the evidence that flying is dangerous?'” “Am I exaggerating the risks? Am I taking other risks in my life that I don’t think are a problem?

“Learning about the mechanics of flight, flight safety, and weather can also help you gain knowledge to combat anxiety-provoking thoughts.”

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