Home Health Care How to Port Health Insurance in India?

How to Port Health Insurance in India?

by Universalwellnesssystems

How can I port a mediclaim policy? Or how can I port a health insurance policy to India? These are frequently asked questions by the Indian public.

Health insurance is essential to financial planning to ensure you and your loved ones receive the right medical care when you need it. However, it is common for policyholders to be dissatisfied with their current health insurance plans for a variety of reasons, including inadequate coverage, rising premiums, and poor customer service. In such cases, Indian port health insurance may come into play.

However, most individuals who own Health insurance I don’t know the porting terms and conditions. Many don’t even know if they can transfer their health insurance to another company in India. So, today, keeping this in mind, we will explore the steps of medical insurance portability in India through this post. How to port health insurance.

How do I port my health insurance policy online?

Health insurance portability in India requires a systematic process. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process. Port health insurance certificate Seamlessly: –

1. Assess your needs first

Before purchasing port medical insurance, assess your medical requirements and look into policies that offer better coverage or favorable terms. Determine why you want to change insurance companies.

2. Compare policies

Explore the different health insurance plans available on the market. Compare features, coverage, premiums, network hospitals, and claim settlement rates to make an informed decision.

3. Contact your new insurance company

Once you have selected a new health insurance company, contact them and express your interest in transferring your existing health insurance policy. Please also provide details about your current insurance, including your insurance number, insurance company, and coverage details.

4. Fill out the application form

Your new insurance company will give you an application for transplantation. Once you receive the form, please fill it out accurately and submit it along with the required documents. However, these documents typically include:

  • Identity verification documents
  • proof of address
  • Previous policy details
  • Medical history
  • Billing history
  • Copying an existing policy

5. Issuance of new insurance

After reviewing your application and documentation, your new insurance company will underwrite your insurance policy. We may offer you the same coverage or suggest changes based on your health and claims history. Once your new policy is approved, you will receive final documentation.

6. Current intimate insurance company

Please inform your current insurance company of your intentions regarding health insurance portability. This must be done at least 45 days before the policy renewal date. The insurance company will provide you with a No Objection Certificate (NOC) and other required documents.

7. Pay a premium

Pay your new premium to your new insurance company within the specified deadline to avoid lapses in coverage. Please ensure that your current policy remains in effect until the port is complete.

8. Porting request

According to the IRDA Health Insurance Portability Guidelines, new insurance companies will use the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) online portal to initiate a porting request. Your current insurance company will also receive notification of your transfer request.

9. Claim Resolution

Your current insurance company will resolve any pending claims under your old policy. The new insurance company will process new claims based on the terms of the new policy.

10. Approval of transplantation

According to the Health Insurance Portability Regulations, once your porting request is approved, your new insurance company will approve your insurance. You will receive an approval document confirming that your health insurance policy has been successfully ported as follows: IRDA Portability Rules.

What is the need for health insurance transplant in India?

There are several compelling reasons to consider that indicate the need for a transplant. they are: –

You may also find other insurance companies that offer policies that offer broader coverage, including additional benefits such as maternity coverage, critical illness coverage, and day care arrangements.

Premiums often increase with age and inflation. A transplant allows you to secure insurance at lower premiums while maintaining adequate coverage.

  • Improving customer service

If you’re dissatisfied with your current insurance company’s service, switching to one with a good reputation for customer service can greatly improve your experience.

Some insurance companies have broader networks of hospitals and medical providers, ensuring access to quality care no matter where you are.

If your family size increases due to marriage or childbirth, you may need insurance to cover more family members.

If you change jobs or your employer changes your group insurance policy, porting allows you to maintain continuous coverage without losing benefits.


Porting health insurance in India is an option worth considering if you are dissatisfied with your current insurance or if your circumstances have changed. You can switch to a policy that better meets your needs without compromising your accumulated benefits. However, it is important to follow the process diligently, stick to the schedule, and choose a policy that fits your medical requirements. By doing so, you can ensure continued access to quality health care while enjoying the benefits of better health insurance.

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