Home Fitness How to move heavy objects without getting hurt

How to move heavy objects without getting hurt

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Are you finding that lifting grocery bags out of the car or carrying a cooking pot from the stove to the sink is becoming a little more difficult? As the years go by, that’s not uncommon.

A 2013 study of nearly 5,000 adults published in the journal WORK found that people in their 40s could comfortably lift 17 percent heavier weights than people in their 60s. “As we age, we lose muscle mass, which leads to a loss of strength,” says Jennifer Brach, a professor of physical therapy at the University of Pittsburgh. “Loss strength makes it harder to lift heavy objects.”

As you age, your cardiovascular fitness also declines, so you may tire more quickly when carrying heavy loads, says Todd Manini, co-director of the Claude D. Pepper Center for Independence for Older Adults at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Joint, muscle, nerve and flexibility issues can also make tasks like moving furniture or putting items in overhead bins difficult. Here are some ways to make all of this easier and prevent falls and other injuries.

Set yourself up for success

Regular exercise can help prevent some of the deterioration that can make lifting and carrying difficult. “An increasingly sedentary lifestyle makes people weaker,” says Manini. Aim to do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, cycling or swimming. Do strength training at least twice a week to keep your muscles strong. Stretch regularly to stay flexible.

At home, store heavy items you use often in an easily accessible location on a shelf or cabinet — not too high or too low. Make sure the area is well lit and free of tripping hazards. For the same reason, wear well-fitting, supportive shoes (rather than slip-ons) when lifting heavy objects.

If you have to make multiple trips, at home or outside, split up your loads so each trip is lighter. That means packing less stuff into a grocery bag or a smaller laundry basket. “Think of it as exercise,” says Brach. “The more trips you make, the more steps you’ll get.”

Proper Lifting and Carrying Techniques

Prepare your body. Five minutes of walking, marching in place, squats and shoulder rotations will loosen your joints and warm up your muscles, preparing them for exercise.

Get closer. Slide or pull the object you’re planning to lift toward yourself, ideally within a few inches of your body. “The further away the object is, the more force it will put on your muscles and joints,” says Manini.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The wide support base gives you stability as you lift. To protect your back, keep your abdominal muscles engaged as well.

Use your legs, not your back. That means squatting down with your knees bent to pick up whatever’s underneath you (like on the floor). “Your leg muscles are bigger,” says Manini. “That’s what your legs are made for.” Don’t bend at the waist, as that can strain your back.

Please lift with care. Hold the object close to your body at waist height, with your head up and shoulders back. Then, extend your legs. As you carry the object, stand up straight, be careful not to block your view, and take small steps. When you return the object to its original position, squat down slowly by engaging your abdominal muscles.

Inexpensive grabbers can reach up to 3 feet, which is handy if you have trouble bending down or reaching items on high shelves without a step stool. These are handy for lighter items like soup cans. If you sometimes need to use a step stool to reach items higher up, choose a two-tier model with a wide base and a handle for grabbing.

For furniture and other heavy objects, you can slide them across the floor using discs called sliders. And if you have to carry your laundry up stairs, a bag is safer than a basket because you can pull it while holding onto the banister and it doesn’t block your view.

A cart with wheels is a hassle-free way to move heavy items, like multiple shopping bags, when you’re out and about, and many carts are foldable so they can be conveniently stored in your car.

A car organizer (which usually has compartments, nets and straps) keeps your belongings from digging deep into your trunk and becoming hard to reach. If you’re carrying books, a laptop or other items at home or on the go, consider a backpack. Backpacks distribute weight evenly and keep items close to your body, making them more comfortable than a bag you can carry at your side or over your shoulder.

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