Home Fitness How to lose visceral fat with easy ’10 minute’ daily habit straight after dinner

How to lose visceral fat with easy ’10 minute’ daily habit straight after dinner

by Universalwellnesssystems

Developing a 10-minute habit every day after dinner can help you significantly reduce visceral fat. This is something we can all start doing for free today.

You can reduce visceral fat with one daily habit (photo)(Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF)

You can reduce belly fat with just one daily habit.

Let’s be honest: Losing weight is not easy. It’s much easier to gain weight than to try to lose weight through healthy eating and intense exercise. Especially when there are so many unhealthy foods that tempt us. But according to one personal trainer, there’s an easy way to start your weight loss journey, and it’s something most of us already do, but simply don’t do often enough.

Chris Gagliardi says reducing visceral fat (fat hidden around vital organs in the body) is the key to losing weight in the rest of your body, and simple ways to get started. One of the things I mentioned is to incorporate this habit into my body. Your daily routine: go for a walk.

The expert, who is an American Council on Exercise (ACE) certified personal trainer, explained that if you haven’t yet established an exercise routine, walking is a “good entry point” to get started. You don’t have to pay for gym memberships or special equipment. Prevention report.

And, as one small study published in a journal suggests, walking has health benefits. Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry Researchers found that obese women who participated in a 50- to 70-minute walking program three days a week for 12 weeks significantly reduced visceral fat compared to a sedentary control group.

Gagliardi says, “Even if your starting point is a one-minute walk, if it’s more than you’ve been doing, there are health benefits.It’s better to start slow and work your way up little by little.” “It’s better than giving up.”

Experts say one good way to tackle your daily walk is to commit to going for a short 10-minute walk after eating dinner, and increase the amount of time you spend walking slowly as you get used to the daily movement. Ta.

Walking has been touted for years as being good for your health, but diet guru Dr. Michael Mosley recently discovered a particular walking technique that has been shown to improve memory: walking backwards. proposed. A study conducted by the University of Roehampton in 2018 found that walking backwards can also help you mentally ‘backtrack’, meaning you can pick up memories from what you’ve done previously.

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