Home Nutrition How to live longer with four diet changes that slash the risk of illness

How to live longer with four diet changes that slash the risk of illness

by Universalwellnesssystems

A nutrient-dense diet has many benefits, including better skin, healthy weight gain, and more energy.

However, eating a healthy diet may even help you minimize certain diseases and ultimately live longer.

“Diet is one of the most important factors that can influence chronic disease risk, mortality, and longevity,” said Dr. Frank B. Fu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. ” he said.

According to experts, there are four ways to eat to live longer.

“Diet is one of the most important factors that can influence chronic disease risk, mortality, and longevity.”

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eat more whole foods

Dr. Hu recommended focusing on natural foods that are minimally processed and free of salt, sugar, additives, and fat.

He advocated nutritious diets such as the Mediterranean diet, Okinawan diet, and plant-based diets.

The Mediterranean diet is primarily plant-based, but includes plenty of fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables, and no processed foods.

The Okinawan diet is low in calories and fat, but high in carbohydrates, consisting mainly of vegetables, soybean products, small amounts of noodles, rice, pork, and fish.

Experts explained that these dietary patterns have been proven to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, a leading cause of death, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and dementia.

Reduce intake of processed and ultra-processed foods

People need to increase their intake of whole foods, but they also need to reduce their intake of processed and ultra-processed products.

Processed foods include processed ingredients such as salt, sugar, and oil, such as salted nuts, canned fish, and cheese.

Ultra-processed foods typically contain five or more ingredients not typically used in home cooking, such as sweeteners and preservatives.

Many comfort “junk” foods fall into this category, such as ice cream, biscuits, crisps, cereal, and soda.


Reduce processed and ultra-processed snacks

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Become more flexible when eating

Dietary experts have advised that there is no “strict” diet that everyone should follow to live a long life.

He encouraged individuals to find natural foods they enjoy and create their own healthy meals from them.

This might mean combining elements of the Mediterranean and Okinawan diets or discovering new healthy meals. Making something fun means it's easier to continue doing it.

Combine socializing and food

Finally, Dr. Hu recommended using mealtimes to gather socially. Healthy eating has been shown not only to extend lifespan, but also to social connectedness as well.

He told CNBC Make It, “Eating healthy food together not only nourishes your body, it also nourishes your soul.”

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