Home Mental Health How to get over social anxiety? Here are 5 ways to cope with it

How to get over social anxiety? Here are 5 ways to cope with it

by Universalwellnesssystems

People who suffer from social anxiety have difficulty communicating and interacting with people. So how can you overcome social anxiety? Here are five quick tips for doing just that.

You are at a lively social gathering surrounded by interesting conversation and laughter. People talk easily and connect with each other. But as you stand there, you are seized by an unseen force that tightens your chest, steals your voice, and fills your heart with self-doubt. Welcome to the world of social anxiety where communication becomes difficult. Social unrest can be a serious problem affecting millions of people around the world. It can be debilitating and lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. If you are also experiencing social anxiety and wondering how to get rid of it, you will find the solution here.

How can I overcome social anxiety?

Follow these five tips to calm your mind, reduce stress, and overcome social anxiety.

1. Identify your triggers

The first step to calming down when you’re feeling socially anxious is to identify what’s triggering your anxiety. This could be a particular situation, a particular type of person, or a particular type of environment. Once you understand what your triggers are, you’ll be better prepared to deal with them when they occur.

Find a way to calm your anxious mind.Image credit: Shutterstock

2. Take a deep breath

One of the best things you can do when you feel overwhelmed is take a deep breath. Taking deep breaths will help you relax and focus on other things. It also has a heart-rate-lowering effect, which further helps reduce anxiety.

3. Talk to someone who calms you down

Talking to someone you trust when you’re feeling socially anxious is a great way to calm your nerves. Talking to someone who understands makes you feel better and makes you feel less alone in your conflicts.

Also read: Social Anxiety 101: What is it and when should I seek help

4. Distract

Sometimes the best way to deal with social anxiety is distraction. Develop new habits. This means listening to music, reading books, and participating in fun activities. Doing things that allow you to focus on things other than your emotions is a great way to calm your nerves.

5. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that focuses on the present moment. This is a great way to deal with feelings of anxiety and take your attention away from worries and fears. Practicing mindfulness reduces stress levels and helps you control your emotions.

Improve your mental health with daily meditation. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

6. Gradual exposure

Gradually expose yourself to social situations that cause anxiety. Start with small, less intimidating situations and gradually step up. It may be uncomfortable at first, but facing your fear in a controlled way can dull your senses over time.

7. Seek professional help

Consider talking to a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor who specializes in anxiety disorders. They will offer you specific techniques and strategies for managing your social anxiety.


Social anxiety is a difficult problem to deal with, but there are ways to deal with it. Identifying your triggers, taking deep breaths, talking to someone, distracting yourself, and practicing mindfulness are great ways to calm your nerves when you’re feeling socially anxious. With patience, practice, and dedication, you can learn how to control your social anxiety and become more comfortable in social situations.

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