Home Fitness How to Get Into Position for a Goblet Squat With a Heavy Kettlebell

How to Get Into Position for a Goblet Squat With a Heavy Kettlebell

by Universalwellnesssystems

photograph: bellco master (shutter stock)

Goblet squats are easy if you’re just starting the squat movement. Just lift a small kettlebell (or dumbbell). At that stage, it’s light enough that you can bend your arm and raise the bell to chest level. However, when you get stronger, that doesn’t work. Then what?

We’ll cover four different techniques for placing a heavy kettlebell into the goblet squat position, starting with the easiest.

set on the bench

There is no technique for this. Pick up a kettlebell and place it on the bench or box in front of you. The edge of a bench or the corner of a box is perfect. (This also works with dumbbells, by the way.)

Next, squat down with your hands empty so the bell is about chest level. Take your hand from here and place your hand however you like. If you want to try the kettlebell upside down, gently tilt it to the side, then pick up the round part of the bell with both hands.

Yonk up and grab the handle

This method is probably the most common method seen online and works well with both light and heavy bells.

With the kettlebell on the ground, you’ll grab the top of the handle as if for a swing. From there you can either swing it back between your legs and then forward, or just yoink it straight up from the floor—whichever you prefer. Either way, once it gains some momentum, it will be weightless for a fraction of a second. At that point you just slide your hands to the sides of the handle (the “horns” of the kettlebell, as they say).

Practice this with a light bell before you try it with a heavy one, but it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it. here example:

Heavy Kettlebell Goblet Squat – 60 kg

turn over

If you’re going to change the bell’s grip in zero gravity, why should you limit the bell to just the handles? can be done.

In this case, align the bell handles so that you can hold them with your hands facing each other. Swing the bell back and forward as you release the handle, allowing the rounded portion of the kettlebell to rest in your cupped hand. slow motion here:

Yes, it is difficult. But if you try it with light weights, you’ll find it’s not as difficult as it seems. Please give me.

Clean up and front squat

The goblet squat is the classic beginner’s introduction to the kettlebell squat, but there are other ways to hold the kettlebell. One is the front squat, which puts kettlebells on your hands, arms, and shoulders.

To get there, you need to learn the kettlebell clean. Like the last move, this takes advantage of the weightlessness you get at the top of a kettlebell swing or pull. Bring the bell back between your legs first, or pull it straight off the floor. Either way, pull your elbow back so your hand (still on the steering wheel) can be tucked under. This video by Kettlebell Kings A single bell indicates both two-handed and one-handed cleans.

if you get the hang of it thatConsider cleaning two kettlebells at once and doing front squats on both. favorite So.

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